South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Cornelius Vermuyden School




Career Opportunities in RHSE

The study of RSHE (Relationships, Sex, and Health Education) equips students with essential life skills that are valuable in both personal and professional settings. It develops communication, resilience, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and decision-making skills—qualities that are highly sought after in a wide range of careers. RSHE supports pathways into healthcare, social work, counselling, psychology, teaching, policing, youth work, law, human resources, journalism, and roles in the charity and voluntary sectors. It is also beneficial for careers in business and customer-facing industries, where strong interpersonal and leadership skills are crucial.

RSHE provides students with the knowledge and confidence to navigate relationships, wellbeing, and ethical decision-making, making them more prepared for the challenges of adult life. Employers and universities recognise the importance of these transferable skills, ensuring that students who engage with RSHE are well-equipped for success in any career.

Year 7 Curriculum Overview


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?

Managing change –

Strengthening Minds


You will learn to make a great start at secondary school and how to be an

effective learner to ensure you are successful. You will learn how to manage new situa:ons, new challenges, and big emo:ons more effectively.

You will understand and be able to use the key words we have learnt correctly. You will be able to explain how your learning in the classroom helps to prepare you for secondary school and your life in the wider world both now and in the future. You will feel empowered to be able to manage the changes that are happening, which will

support your learning in other lessons, as you can regulate your own responses to the changes and implement the strategies we prac:ce.

You will demonstrate maturity, kindness, and an interest to develop


Low stakes quizzes

In-class practice

Instant feedback


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?
British Values

You will learn the five British Values and be able to define and explain them accurately. You will learn how the British Values underpin and enhance our society. You will learn how the values ensure all people in Britain feel included and respected, and how they contribute to community cohesion. You will learn how the values help us to engage with all people in society to create a fairer, kinder society and ensure we celebrate our similarities more than our differences. 

You will understand other people’s perspectives, the law, and how to communicate our different points of view with sensitivity.   

You will develop your debating and evaluation skills, your source analysis skills, your interpretation skills, and compose extended writing pieces. 

You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them effectively in sentences. You will be able to recognise and dispel misinformation and misunderstandings. You will be able to apply your learning to the wider world.  

You will confidently recite the five British Values and be able to explain their relevance in our society. You will be able to discuss examples and form opinions, whilst also being able to devise a two-sided response having considered other people’s opinions.  

Instant feedback  



Written work in the lesson  

Whole Class Feedback  


Health and Wellbeingpuberty 

You will learn about the expected changes both male bodies and female bodies go through during puberty. You will learn about the hormonal changes and the need to better care for your wellbeing and personal hygiene. You will understand how our friendships, emotions and physical health can be affected by hormonal changes, and how to better recognise these changes so you can make good choices to care for yourself. 

You will develop your discussing, evaluating, and self-reflection skills. 

You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them effectively in sentences. You will be able to recognise and dispel misinformation and misunderstandings about puberty. You will be able to discuss your new learning with clarity, accuracy, and confidence, as you will feel empowered by the knowledge and less embarrassed due to the academic and scientific nature of the learning.  

Instant feedback  



Written work in the lesson  

Whole Class Feedback  



What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?

Year 8 Curriculum Overview


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?
British Values

You will learn the five British Values and

how they underpin our society. You will learn how the values ensure all people in Britain feel included and respected. You will learn how the values help us to engage

with all people in society to create a fairer, kinder society and ensure more

community cohesion.

You will understand the key terms we learn and

how to use them effectively in sentences. You will be able to recognise and dispel misinformation and

misunderstandings. You will be able to apply your

learning to the wider world.

You will confidently recite the five British Values

and be able to explain their relevance in our

society. You will be able to discuss examples and

form opinions, whilst also being able to devise a

two-sided response having considered other

people’s opinions.

Low stakes quizzes

In-class practice

Instant feedback


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?
Discrimination and the Protected Characteristics 

You will learn the key information and application of the Equality Act 2010 and the link to British Values. You will know the nine Protected Characteristics, which ones are specific Hate Crimes, and how we can challenge discrimination in our society. You will understand how the legislation underpins and enhances our society to protect individuals and groups within the UK.  You will understand how you can be held to account, what discrimination can be, how victims feel, and how to be more inclusive. You will understand how to discuss our differences with sensitivity.   

You will build on your debating skills, analyse sources and scenarios, and use your interpretation skills. You will employ your ethical and moral reflection skills and compose extended writing pieces. You will use empathy and respect throughout your responses, spoken and written.  

You will understand and be able to recall the key information about discrimination and the Equality Act 2010. You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them appropriately in sentences. You will be able to recognise and dispel misinformation and misunderstandings linked to the Protected Characteristics.  

You will be able to articulate your thoughts using subject-specific language and write extended answers showing two opposing points of view plus your own conclusion. You will be able to explain how your learning in the classroom links to the wider world and your life in the future. 

Instant feedback  



Written work in the lesson  

Whole Class Feedback  


Health and Wellbeing – healthy lifestyle choices 

You will learn about the sustenance needs our bodies have as they grow and how to make good choices to be healthy and stay well. You will learn about how our bodies use food for energy and how to ensure we have a good balance of vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. You will understand how to construct a meal to sustain ourselves appropriately and how all food types are important in our diet, but that some should be eaten in moderation to ensure a healthy lifestyle. You will develop your discussing, evaluating, investigating and creating skills. You will also reflect on your learning and how you can transfer your new knowledge to the real world.

You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them effectively in sentences. You will be able to recognise and dispel misinformation and misunderstandings about what a healthy lifestyle and diet is. You will be able to discuss your new learning with clarity, accuracy, and confidence, as you will feel empowered by the knowledge. You will be able to compose extended answers using the scientific language and understanding, to clearly explain your answers. You will be able to complete an action plan to help inform your choices such as why you’d like to add more walking to your weekly routine.

Instant feedback  
Written work in the lesson  
Whole Class Feedback  


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?

Year 9 Curriculum Overview


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?

The Law and

young people

You will learn the basics of law in England and Wales, with a focus on the youth justice system. You will learn about the age of criminal responsibility, how young people are treated by the justice system, and how

England and Wales compared to other countries around the world.

You will develop your knowledge and understanding and be able to articulate your

new learning with confidence using subject

specific language. You will be able to explain

how your learning in the classroom links to the

wider world and your lives in the future (being a jury member, for example).

You will be able to confidently discuss the basics of UK law, how laws are made, how the youth justice system works, and debate the use of certain punishments.

Low stakes quizzes

In-class practice

Instant feedback


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?
Discrimination and the Protected Characteristics You will learn the key information and application of the Equality Act 2010 and the link to British Values. You will know the nine Protected Characteristics, which ones are specific Hate Crimes, and how we can challenge discrimination in our society.  
You will understand how the legislation underpins and enhances our society to protect individuals and groups within the UK.  You will understand how you can be held to account, what discrimination can be, how victims feel, and how to be more inclusive. You will understand how to discuss our differences with sensitivity.   
You will build on your debating skills, analyse sources and scenarios, and use your interpretation skills. You will employ your ethical and moral reflection skills and compose extended writing pieces. You will use empathy and respect throughout your responses, spoken and written.  
You will understand and be able to recall the key information about discrimination and the Equality Act 2010. You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them appropriately in sentences. You will be able to recognise and dispel misinformation and misunderstandings linked to the Protected Characteristics.  
You will be able to articulate your thoughts using subject-specific language and write extended answers showing two opposing points of view plus your own conclusion. You will be able to explain how your learning in the classroom links to the wider world and your life in the future. 
Instant feedback  
Written work in the lesson  
Whole Class Feedback  
Role models and peer influence You will learn about the ways in which we are influenced in both positive and negative ways. You will learn about people who are trying to influence the world with altruistic motives and philanthropic ideals. You will learn about the damage being done to young people’s mental health and why some schools are banning mobile phones completely.  
You will understand the impact social media, the internet and our peers can have on us, on our choices and on our mental health. You will understand that not everything you see, hear and read on the internet is true, and often the motives behind what people say and do are monetary.  
You will develop your debating and evaluation skills, your source analysis skills, your interpretation skills, and compose extended writing pieces. You will be able to empathise and sympathise with real life examples of when peer pressure has caused upset or harm to young people.   
You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them effectively in sentences. You will be able articulate your opinions on the issues we investigate and explain them through two media: spoken and written. You will be able to confidently explain the misinformation and misunderstandings that accompany this topic, demonstrating your knowledge through carefully considered research. You will be able to discuss your new learning with clarity, accuracy, and confidence, as you will feel empowered by the knowledge and more able to challenge the superficial online world and the beliefs of peers that are not factual or truthful. You will produce considered, thoughtful, and critical analyses, demonstrating a deep understanding of the topic. Instant feedback  
Written work in the lesson  
Whole Class Feedback  


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?

Year 10 Curriculum Overview


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?
Human Rights

You will learn how our human rights are protected and why they are so important to our everyday lives. You will

learn where human rights come from and when they are legally enforceable.

You will develop your own knowledge  and understanding to  

misinformation and

misunderstandings. You will be able to articulate your new learning with

confidence using subject specific language.

You will be able to recall the key information about the Human Rights

documents that protect all citizens and explain why they exist. You will be able to develop considered arguments

regarding real-life examples and explain why Human Rights are

important in our modern society.

Low stakes quizzes

In-class practice

Instant feedback


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?
Discrimination and the Protected Characteristics You will learn the key information and application of the Equality Act 2010 and the link to British Values. You will know the nine Protected Characteristics, which ones are specific Hate Crimes, and how we can challenge discrimination in our society.  
You will understand how the legislation underpins and enhances our society to protect individuals and groups within the UK.  You will understand how you can be held to account, what discrimination can be, how victims feel, and how to be more inclusive. You will understand how to discuss our differences with sensitivity.   
You will build on your debating skills, analyse sources and scenarios, and use your interpretation skills. You will employ your ethical and moral reflection skills and compose extended writing pieces. You will use empathy and respect throughout your responses, spoken and written.  
You will understand and be able to recall the key information about discrimination and the Equality Act 2010. You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them appropriately in sentences. You will be able to recognise and dispel misinformation and misunderstandings linked to the Protected Characteristics.  
You will be able to articulate your thoughts using subject-specific language and write extended answers showing two opposing points of view plus your own conclusion. You will be able to explain how your learning in the classroom links to the wider world and your life in the future. 
Instant feedback  
Written work in the lesson  
Whole Class Feedback  
Relationships – being assertive and forming positive relationships You will learn the definitions of the key terms such as ‘consent’, ‘assertive’ and ‘coercion’. You will learn what positive and healthy relationships look like and how to spot unhealthy habits or behaviours that could impact on our relationships and mental health. You will learn strategies to support you to gain confidence to express yourself, to be more assertive when talking about what is acceptable behaviour for you in your relationship, and that there are many ways to say no and that they all mean no and the answer should be respected. 
You will develop your discussing, investigating and critical thinking skills. You will also use empathy and open-mindedness to understand other people’s perspectives and reflect on how your learning can transfer into the real world. 
You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them effectively in sentences. You will be able articulate your thoughts through two media: spoken and written. You will be able to confidently explain the misinformation and misunderstandings that accompany this topic, able to use the learned phrases and terms to explain yourself clearly. You will be able to discuss your new learning with clarity, accuracy, and confidence, as you will feel empowered by the knowledge and more able to challenge attitudes and beliefs of peers that are not acceptable. You will produce considered, thoughtful, and critical analyses, demonstrating a deep understanding of the topic. You will be able to explain how your learning in the classroom links to the wider world and your life in the future. 
Instant feedback  
Written work in the lesson  
Whole Class Feedback  


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?

Year 11 Curriculum Overview


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


preparation and college


You will learn about effective revision methods to prepare you for their PPEs and GCSE examinations.

You will learn what to include in a CV and a cover letter in order to help them land their first / dream job in the future.

You will be able to successfully implement the techniques you have

learnt to improve your revision, which in turn will support and improve your confidence in your


You will have completed an exemplar for your college applications and be able to apply for the courses before the deadlines. You will create a good, basic CV, ready to be populated with further information in the future.

Low stakes quizzes

In-class practice

Instant feedback


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?
Discrimination and the Protected Characteristics You will learn the key information and application of the Equality Act 2010 and the link to British Values. You will know the nine Protected Characteristics, which ones are specific Hate Crimes, and how we can challenge discrimination in our society.  
You will understand how the legislation underpins and enhances our society to protect individuals and groups within the UK.  You will understand how you can be held to account, what discrimination can be, how victims feel, and how to be more inclusive. You will understand how to discuss our differences with sensitivity.   
You will build on your debating skills, analyse sources and scenarios, and use your interpretation skills. You will employ your ethical and moral reflection skills and compose extended writing pieces. You will use empathy and respect throughout your responses, spoken and written.  
You will understand and be able to recall the key information about discrimination and the Equality Act 2010. You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them appropriately in sentences. You will be able to recognise and dispel misinformation and misunderstandings linked to the Protected Characteristics.  
You will be able to articulate your thoughts using subject-specific language and write extended answers showing two opposing points of view plus your own conclusion. You will be able to explain how your learning in the classroom links to the wider world and your life in the future. 
Instant feedback  
Written work in the lesson  
Whole Class Feedback  
Relationships – being assertive and forming positive relationships You will learn the definitions of the key terms such as ‘consent’, ‘assertive’ and ‘coercion’. You will learn what positive and healthy relationships look like and how to spot unhealthy habits or behaviours that could impact on our relationships and mental health. You will learn strategies to support you to gain confidence to express yourself, to be more assertive when talking about what is acceptable behaviour for you in your relationship, and that there are many ways to say no and that they all mean no and the answer should be respected. 
You will develop your discussing, investigating and critical thinking skills. You will also use empathy and open-mindedness to understand other people’s perspectives and reflect on how your learning can transfer into the real world. 
You will understand the key terms we learn and how to use them effectively in sentences. You will be able articulate your thoughts through two media: spoken and written. You will be able to confidently explain the misinformation and misunderstandings that accompany this topic, able to use the learned phrases and terms to explain yourself clearly. You will be able to discuss your new learning with clarity, accuracy, and confidence, as you will feel empowered by the knowledge and more able to challenge attitudes and beliefs of peers that are not acceptable. You will produce considered, thoughtful, and critical analyses, demonstrating a deep understanding of the topic. You will be able to explain how your learning in the classroom links to the wider world and your life in the future. 
Instant feedback  
Written work in the lesson  
Whole Class Feedback  


What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will these be assessed?


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