South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Cornelius Vermuyden School



The Physical Education Department aims to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that challenges all students, regardless of their sporting ability. We believe that sport and physical exercise are for everyone, and our curriculum enables all our students to achieve in a supportive and rigorous environment. Our ethos is to encourage a positive mindset that fosters resilience, confidence, and self-belief in a way that supports their health and fitness. We strive to inspire students to develop a lifelong love of physical exercise and participation in sport. Our goal is to create learners who are determined and motivated both on the field and in the classroom, contributing to whole-school excellence.

Knowledge and Skills

Physical Education encourages the development of a wide range of transferable skills. Students of PE should be capable of doing all of the following:

  • Students are taught how to communicate effectively with one another, making them effective coaches and more effective team members when playing competitive sports.
  • Students will confidently use specialist physical education vocabulary throughout KS3 and KS4.
  • Students will develop skills in self-reflection, teamwork, leadership, and organization.
  • Students will learn how to select and apply appropriate tactics and strategies, applying them to the sport or situation they are in.
  • Students are taught how to officiate their own games and understand the rules governing these sports, with some even officiating fixtures for younger year groups.
  • Students will use specialist equipment and ICT when participating in fitness tests.
  • Students will understand the benefits that a healthy, active lifestyle can have on physical, mental, and social well-being.
  • Students will develop their analytical abilities, allowing them to identify strengths and areas for improvement in themselves and others, offering effective advice to improve performance.

Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 3

All students study Physical Education at Key Stage 3. Students in Years 7, 8, 9, and 10 receive two hours of PE per week, while students in Year 11 receive one hour. We offer a broad practical curriculum where students participate in a range of team and individual sports. Additionally, we have a varied extracurricular program designed to engage students in lifelong participation in sports.

Career Opportunities in PE

The study of Physical Education allows you to develop skills that could lead to pursuing many different career choices. Some examples of careers you could choose from include PE teaching, sports science, physiotherapy, sports coaching, sports lecturing, sports psychology, personal training, sports nutrition, and many more. Physical Education lessons teach students how to look after their well-being—physically, mentally, and socially. The good practices learned in looking after yourself will stay with you for the future, regardless of whether PE is specifically related to your chosen career.

Year 7 Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Netball; to learn how to play a game of Netball using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in netball. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Throwing, Catching, Defending, Attacking, Shooting, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.
Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons demonstrating the skills in a welcoming atmosphere. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practise a skill as well as perform it in a competitive environment.
Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Hockey; to learn how to play a game of Hockey using basic skills and rules

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in Hockey. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Defending, Attacking, goalkeeping, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons demonstrating the skills in a welcoming atmosphere. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practise a skill as well as perform it in a competitive environment.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.

Cross country/ Health related exercise; To build understanding of the importance of health and fitness and how it can impact your mental and social health.

Pupils will be introduced ways to keep active outside of their PE lesson. This module is about understanding the importance of living a healthy active lifestyle and then benefits of taking part in physical activity. Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons, some will be teacher-led, others will give pupils an opportunity to explore and find out what type of fitness they prefer; weight training, cardio etc. Pupils will be introduced to key terminology and will be able to explain these terms. Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Basketball; to learn how to play a game of Basketball using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in basketball. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Defending, Attacking, shooting, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games; this will mean maximum activity time therefore; students can familiarise themselves with Basketball and how the game is conducted. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practice a skill and to then perform it in a competitive environment. Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.
Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Table tennis; to learn how to play a game of Table Tennis using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in table tennis. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Serving, Forehand, backhand, Different types of shots, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games and rallies; this will mean maximum activity time therefore; students can familiarise themselves with Table Tennis and how the sport is conducted. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practice a skill and to then perform it in a competitive environment.

Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.
Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Rugby; to learn how to play a game of Rugby using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in Rugby. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Passing, Attacking, Scoring, tackling, Movement within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games and rallies; this will mean maximum activity time therefore; students can familiarise themselves with rugby and how the sport is conducted. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practice a skill and to then perform it in a competitive environment.

Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.

Football; to learn how to play a game of Football using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in football. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Attacking, Scoring, tackling, defending, Movement within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games; this will mean maximum activity time therefore; students can familiarise themselves with the football and how the game is conducted. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practice a skill and to then perform it in a competitive environment. Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.


Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the theory content that is taught at GCSE. This will give students an opportunity to learn some key content early in the how to aid understanding and inspire students to study GCSE PE.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons; asking and answering questions. Students will be able to link theory learning to practical sporting performance. Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their understanding and self-evaluate to enable progress.
Students will be assessed individually through a 1-hour assessment paper and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a score out of 25 marks.

 Year 8 Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Netball; to learn how to play a game of Netball using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in netball. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Throwing, Catching, Defending, Attacking, Shooting, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.
Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons demonstrating the skills in a welcoming atmosphere. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practise a skill as well as perform it in a competitive environment.
Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Hockey; to learn how to play a game of Hockey using basic skills and rules

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in Hockey. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Defending, Attacking, goalkeeping, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons demonstrating the skills in a welcoming atmosphere. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practise a skill as well as perform it in a competitive environment.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.

Cross country/ Health related exercise; To build understanding of the importance of health and fitness and how it can impact your mental and social health.

Pupils will be introduced ways to keep active outside of their PE lesson. This module is about understanding the importance of living a healthy active lifestyle and then benefits of taking part in physical activity.
Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons, some will be teacher-led, others will give pupils an opportunity to explore and find out what type of fitness they prefer; weight training, cardio etc. Pupils will be introduced to key terminology and will be able to explain these terms.
Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Basketball; to learn how to play a game of Basketball using basic skills and rules.


Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in basketball. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Defending, Attacking, shooting, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games; this will mean maximum activity time therefore; students can familiarise themselves with Basketball and how the game is conducted. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practice a skill and to then perform it in a competitive environment. Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.
Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Table tennis; to learn how to play a game of Table Tennis using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in table tennis. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Serving, Forehand, backhand, Different types of shots, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games and rallies; this will mean maximum activity time therefore; students can familiarise themselves with Table Tennis and how the sport is conducted. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practice a skill and to then perform it in a competitive environment.

Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.
Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Rugby; to learn how to play a game of Rugby using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in Rugby. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Passing, Attacking, Scoring, tackling, Movement within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games and rallies; this will mean maximum activity time therefore; students can familiarise themselves with rugby and how the sport is conducted. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practice a skill and to then perform it in a competitive environment.

Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.

Football; to learn how to play a game of Football using basic skills and rules.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in football. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Attacking, Scoring, tackling, defending, Movement within the rules of the game and some tactics.
Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games; this will mean maximum activity time therefore; students can familiarise themselves with the football and how the game is conducted. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practice a skill and to then perform it in a competitive environment. Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.


Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the theory content that is taught at GCSE. This will give students an opportunity to learn some key content early in the how to aid understanding and inspire students to study GCSE PE

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons; asking and answering questions. Students will be able to link theory learning to practical sporting performance. Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their understanding and self-evaluate to enable progress.
Students will be assessed individually through a 1-hour assessment paper and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a score out of 25 marks.

 Year 9 Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Netball; to learn how to play a game of Netball using skills and rules and building on knowledge from year 7 and 8

Students will focus on  the following netball skills:

Throwing, Catching, Defending, Attacking, Shooting, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons demonstrating the skills in a welcoming atmosphere. Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in netball. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Hockey; to learn how to play a game of Hockey using skills and rules and building on knowledge from year 7 and 8

Students will develop the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Defending, Attacking, goalkeeping, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons demonstrating the skills in a welcoming atmosphere. A variety of activities (closed and open) will be used to give pupils a chance to practise a skill as well as perform it in a competitive environment.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.

Cross country/ Health related exercise; To build understanding of the importance of health and fitness and how it can impact your mental and social health.

Pupils will be introduced ways to keep active outside of their PE lesson. This module is about understanding the importance of living a healthy active lifestyle and then benefits of taking part in physical activity.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons, some will be teacher-led, others will give pupils an opportunity to explore and find out what type of fitness they prefer; weight training, cardio etc.  and will be able to use key words to describe and evaluate their work. Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.
Basketball; to learn how to play a game of Basketball using skills and rules and building on knowledge from year 7 and 8

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in basketball. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Defending, Attacking, shooting, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.

Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.

Table tennis; to learn how to play a game of Table Tennis using skills and rules and building on knowledge from year 7 and 8

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in table tennis. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will develop the following skills:

Serving, Forehand, backhand, Different types of shots, Movement Within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games and rallies.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.

Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.

Rugby; to learn how to play a game of Rugby using skills and rules and building on knowledge from year 7 and 8

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in Rugby. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/nationals.

Students will develop the following skills:

Passing, Attacking, Scoring, tackling, Movement within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.

Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.

Football; to learn how to play a game of Football using skills and rules and building on knowledge from year 7 and 8

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in football. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Dribbling, Passing, Attacking, Scoring, tackling, defending, Movement within the rules of the game and some tactics.

Pupils will be fully engaged in lessons through use of small sided games.

Students will be assessed individually and graded against the AQA GCSE PE Criteria receiving a scaled score out of 25 marks.


Use of mini plenaries will allow pupils to discuss their performance and self-evaluate to enable progress.

Year 10 Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?

Students will use the skills that have been taught in KS3 and perform them in small sided games and full context netball games. Opportunities to lead warmups, specific activities, be captain, score and referee will be available every lesson. Lessons will be delivered to set up pupils with skills and knowledge that they can take with them outside school.

Recapping of skills, rules and regulations: types of passes, fouls, shooting, attacking and defending. System, court lines.

All students engaged in taking on roles and responsibilities within the lesson; scoring, referring or coaching for example.

Pupils will be performing the skills learned in KS3 in a more challenging environment.

Effort and participation are fundamental.
Active engagement, effort and discussions will take place between peers and teachers to highlight understanding of the importance of an active healthy lifestyle.

Students will use the skills that have been taught in KS3 and perform them in small sided games and full context hockey games. Opportunities to lead warmups, specific activities, be captain, score and referee will be available every lesson. Lessons will be delivered to set up pupils with skills and knowledge that they can take with them outside school.

Recapping of skills, rules and regulations: types of passes, fouls, shooting, attacking and defending. System, court lines.

All students engaged in taking on roles and responsibilities within the lesson; scoring, referring or coaching for example.

Pupils will be performing the skills learned in KS3 in a more challenging environment.

Effort and participation are fundamental.

Active engagement, effort and discussions will take place between peers and teachers to highlight understanding of the importance of an active healthy lifestyle.
Cross country/ Health related exercise
Students will learn components of fitness and develop a fitness programme that is personalised to them. They will create goals to help motivate and challenge themselves. Lessons will be delivered to set up pupils with skills and knowledge that they can take with them outside school. Components of Fitness: Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Endurance, Speed, Coordination, Strength, Balance,  Flexibility, Reaction Time, Power, Agility Benefits: Physical; maintain correct weight, stronger, agile, flexible, faster, endurance improves, reduces risk of illness, avoid obesity Social; make friends, team worker, cooperation improves Mental; reduces stress, confidence builds, serotonin levels increases, emotional control, self esteem.
All students will be engaged in lessons. Students will complete appropriate warm up and cool downs and follow an ongoing fitness programme that they have created to help them achieve their personal goal. Students will be able to explain the importance of a healthy active lifestyle for 3 key areas, mental, social and physical.
Discussions will take place about their targets, how their programme will help them achieve their goals. Teamwork will be seen such as spotting bench pressing the gym, motivating each other. Questioning will take place to check their understanding why physical activity is important.

Students will use the skills that have been taught in KS3 and perform them in small sided games and full court games.

Lessons will be delivered to set up pupils with skills and knowledge that they can take with them outside school.

Recapping of skills, rules and regulations; types of passes, dribbling, shooting (lay up, free throw, jump shot, three pointshot), man on man defending, zonal defending, rules and regulations (scoring system, double dribble, travel, types of contact).

All students engaged in taking on roles and responsibilities within the lesson; scoring, referring or coaching for example.

Pupils will be performing the skills learned in KS3 in a more challenging environment.

Effort and participation are fundamental.
Active engagement, effort and discussions will take place between peers and teachers to highlight understanding of the importance of an active healthy lifestyle.
Table tennis

Students will use the skills that have been taught in KS3 and perform them in singles or doubles. Opportunities to lead warmups, specific activities, score and umpire will be available every lesson. Lessons will be delivered to set up pupils with skills and knowledge that they can take with them outside school.

Recapping of skills, rules and regulations: types of serves, net shot, shot drop, doubles play, singles play, scoring system, court lines.

All pupils engaged in taking on roles and responsibilities within the lesson; scoring, referring or coaching for example. Pupils will also be performing the skills learned in KS3 in a more challenging environment. Effort and participation are fundamental.
Active engagement, effort and discussions will take place between peers and teachers to highlight understanding of the importance of an active healthy lifestyle.
Rugby; to learn how to play a game of Rugby using skills and rules and building on knowledge from year 7 and 8 with a focus on game play and tactics

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the techniques involved in Rugby. This knowledge can then be applied to different sporting events including, interschool district competitions and county/national events.

Students will be proficient in the following skills:

Passing, Attacking, Scoring, tackling, Movement within the rules of the game and some tactics.

All students engaged in taking on roles and responsibilities within the lesson; scoring, referring or coaching for example.

Pupils will be performing the skills learned in KS3 in a more challenging environment.

Effort and participation are fundamental.

Active engagement, effort and discussions will take place between peers and teachers to highlight understanding of the importance of an active healthy lifestyle.


Students will use the skills that have been taught in KS3 and perform them in small sided games and 11 side matches. Opportunities to lead warmups, specific activities, be captain, score and referee will be available every lesson. Lessons will be delivered to set up pupils with skills and knowledge that they can take with them outside school.

Recapping of skills, rules and regulations: types of passes, heading, dribbling, shooting, attacking and defending.
All pupils engaged in taking on roles and responsibilities within the lesson; scoring, referring or coaching for example. Pupils will also be performing the skills learned in KS3 in a more challenging environment. Effort and participation are fundamental.

Active engagement, effort and discussions will take place between peers and teachers to highlight understanding of the importance of an active healthy lifestyle.

 Year 10 Cambridge National Sport Studies Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Issues which affect participation in sport

Identify and describe different user groups

Barriers and solutions to barriers for different user groups to help them to participate in sport

 Factors that can influence the popularity of sport in the UK

 emerging sports – definition and identification

Students will be able to take content learned in the lesson and apply it to various sports. Recalling information to answer practice exams questions.  


Recall the key points relating to factors which positively and negatively impact the popularity of sport in the UK and Emerging/new sports in the UK.

End of topic tests
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