South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Cornelius Vermuyden School

Online Safety

Online safety

We recognise that our children are growing up in an increasingly complex world, living their lives on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but we recognise it also presents challenges and risks. Any pupil can be vulnerable online, and their vulnerability can fluctuate depending on their age, developmental stage and personal circumstance. We want to equip our pupils with the knowledge needed to make the best use of the internet and technology in a safe, considered and respectful way, so they are able to reap the benefits of the online world.


The three main areas of online risk could be categorised as:

content: being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material; for example pornography, fake news, racist or radical and extremist views;

contact: being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users; for example commercial advertising as well as adults posing as children or young adults;

conduct: personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm; for example making, sending and receiving explicit images, or online bullying


Online Safety-Advice for Families

Install antivirus software, secure your internet connection and use Parental Control functions for computers, mobile phones and games consoles to block unsuitable content or contact. Always remember that parental control tools are not always 100% effective and sometimes unsuitable content can get past them, so don't rely on them alone to protect your child.

Location of devices

Consider locating your computers and laptops in a family area where children's online activity can be monitored or supervised. Always supervise the use of webcams and any applications or devices which allow voice or video chat. Also consider the use and location of other devices your child's uses which allow internet access such as mobile phones and games consoles. Visit for safety information about consoles and devices.


Talk to your child and ask them to show or even teach you how they use the internet, learn which websites or tools they like to use and why. Learning together with your child can often open opportunities to discuss safe behaviour online. Always ensure your child knows how to block and report people online who may send nasty or inappropriate messages or content. Encourage your child not to retaliate or reply and to keep any evidence.

Make sure your child knows it's important that they tell an adult they trust if anything happens online that makes them feel scared, worried or uncomfortable. It's essential to be realistic: banning the internet or web sites often will not work and it can make a child feel less able to report a problem or concern, so education around safe use is essential.


Download the Safer Schools App onto your ‘phone (parent). This App gives regular updates/information that enables you to be aware of current concerns and trends that could make your child vulnerable. Also, encourage your child to download this App onto their ‘phone (student).

Information on this App has been sent out to all students and parents/carers.


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