South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Cornelius Vermuyden School




Career Opportunities in Maths

Maths permeates all aspects of life, including further education, the workplace, and everyday activities. Students will spend time considering this in each unit of work, discussing what they are learning, why they are learning it, how it relates to prior and future learning, and its real-life applications. By putting maths into context, students gain a full appreciation of how it prepares them for the world both inside and outside of school, both now and in the future.

Year 7 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Number Sense and Calculations

Expressions and Equations



Adding and Subtracting






Calculating with Negative Numbers


Order of Operations






Solving Equations





Being able to round to place value and decimal places.


Understand various methods for making simple addition/subtraction calculations.


Be able to use number facts to make multiplication and division easier.


Understand that numbers extend into the negative and be able to use these in calculations.


Be able to apply the order of operations correctly.


Understand that order of operations is a fundamental rule for all questions.


Develop an understanding of algebra with regards to notation.


Be able to replace unknown values with an assigned value.


Be able to use knowledge of number sense, and order of operations, to solve simple equations.


Be able to convert between units of

time and understand how to use time in calculations.


Know and understand the connections between basic units of length, mass and capacity.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class.


Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online.


The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress.

 Spring Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
2D Shapes Line properties
Shape properties
Students will be able to identify parallel and perpendicular lines and use the notation for these and equal length lines (including shapes with more than one of these).  They will also be able to explain a shape’s properties from this information. Students will also be able to identify different types of triangle, quadrilateral or polygon and use appropriate terminology to describe or identify the shape.  They will also be able to identify regular and irregular polygons as well as correctly name these shapes given the number of sides.  Students will also have an understanding of line symmetry and rotational symmetry.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Perimeter and Area Finding the perimeter using grids
Finding the perimeter of rectangles and simple shapes
Finding the perimeter of compound shapes
Finding areas using gridsFinding the area of rectangles
Finding the area of compound shapes
Finding the area of triangles
Finding the area of compound shapes using triangles
Students will be able to find the perimeter or area of a range of shapes based on rectangles, triangles or a combination of one or more of these shapes. Students will be able to perform perimeter and area calculations both by using grids or by using dimensions provided.  Students will be able to perform reverse calculations to find missing dimensions in such shapes when the perimeter or area is given.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Coordinates Reading and plotting coordinates
Solving shape problems involving coordinates
Students will be able to plot or read the coordinates of any point across the four quadrants of a graph. Students will be able to read and plot coordinates on a graph where the scale is not 1. Students will also be able to complete a set (or multiple sets) of coordinates to create triangles and simple quadrilaterals.  They will also be able to calculate the perimeter or area of such shapes.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Factors, Multiples and Primes Finding the lowest common multiple
Finding factors and using divisibility tests
Finding the highest common factor
Finding prime numbers
Prime factor decomposition
Students will be able to list the multiples of a given number or to identify if a number if a multiple of another number.  They will also be able to find common, and the lowest common, multiple (LCM), of two or three numbers as well as understand the practical meaning of the LCM in worded problems. Students will also be able to work out factors of a given number and how to find common, and the highest common, factor of a given number.  They will also understand the practical meaning of the HCF in worded problems.  Students will also be able to use simple divisibility tests to identify numbers that have 2, 3, 5, 9 and 10 as factors.  Students will be able to identify if a number is prime (or not prime), be able to explain why 1 is not prime, as well as to be able to write any number as a product of its prime factors (both in expanded form and index form).  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Fractions Finding fractions of shapes
Constructing fractions
Finding equivalent fractions
Simplifying fractions
Ordering fractions
Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions
Adding and subtracting mixed numbers
Students will be able to express a fraction as an equivalent fraction with either a different denominator or numerator.  They will also be able to simplify fractions (recognising the difference between partially simplifying and fully simplifying).  Students will be able to order fractions by writing a list of fractions out as improper fractions with the same denominator.  Students will also be able to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers and, by ensuring the fractions have the same denominators, add or subtract any given improper fraction or mixed number.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Brackets Using the distributive law
Expanding single brackets
Expanding single brackets and simplifying expressions
Factorising into one bracket
Students will be able to use to distributive law to break down complex calculations into simpler calculations. Students will also be able to expand single brackets and, where required, collect any like terms to simplify the resulting expression. Students will also be able to identify the highest common factor in an expression and use this to factorise an expression into a single bracket (and to recognise the difference between partially factorising and fully factorising).  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 

Summer Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?

Year 8 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Percentages and money




Percentages of amounts


Increase and decrease by a percentage with and without a calculator


Reverse percentages (most able students)


Value for money


Best buy




Solving Equations




Write and simplify a ratio


Equivalent ratios


Write a ratio in the form 1:n


Convert between a ratio, fraction and percentage


Share into a ratio

Understand that percentage means per 100


Will be able to choose the most effective method to easily and quickly find a percentage


Understand the different terminology that can be used to describe an increase or a decrease.


Able to identify when a problem is dealing with reverse percentages


Able to solve problems involving percentages, value for money and best buys


Be able to use index laws to simplify expressions involving multiplication, division and powers with indices within the terms.


Be able to use knowledge of number sense, and order of operations, to solve 1 and 2 step equations.


Be able to solve equations that involve fractions, including the unknown within the denominator


Be able to solve equations involving brackets.


To be fully fluent students will be able to construct and solve equations based on worded problems


Students will be able to find term to term rule and continue a sequence


Students will be able to find the nth term (position to term rule) and use it to find terms in the sequence


Students will be able to rewrite a worded problem as ratio and simplify this


Students will be able to use equivalent ratio to solve problems involving money.


Able to simplify a ratio that involves mixed units of measure


Are able to understand the use of the ratio 1:n including within maps.


Students will be able to effectively convert between a fraction, percentage and ratio


Students will be able to problem solve in order to identify a persons share in a ratio.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class.


Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online.


The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress.

 Spring Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Rounding Rounding integers using significant figures
Rounding decimals using significant figures
Estimating calculations
Students will be able to round integers and decimals to a given number of significant figures as well as be able to round decimals less than 1 (and to be able to recognise that first non zero digit is the first significant figure). Students will be able to round all calculations to one significant figure to estimate calculations.  They will also appreciate the difference between calculating and estimating as well as be able to perform calculations to check that answers seem reasonable.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 

Summer Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Coordinates Calculating midpoints
Problem solving; coordinates and midpoints
Students will be able to build on their knowledge of plotting coordinates in all four quadrants and the term ‘origin’ to be able to draw a line segment between two points and then identify the midpoint coordinates either with, or without a drawing being provided.  Students will be able to use their knowledge of coordinates and midpoints to a range of shape related problems such as finding the missing coordinate of a simple shape (triangle or regular quadrilateral) or to work out the area of a simple shape given its coordinates.  Students will be able to use, and recognise the use of, words such as ‘parallel’ in the context of such problems.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Area Finding the area of parallelograms
Finding the area of trapeziums
Converting units of area
Students will be able to find the area of a parallelogram and recognise that its area is the same as a rectangle with the same base and height dimensions.  Students will also be able to solve problems where the parallelogram is rotated. Students will be able to solve ‘reverse’ area parallelogram problems to identify the base or height dimensions when given the area of the shape and one further dimension.  Students will be able to find the area of a range of trapezia including a right angle trapezium, isosceles trapezium and variations of trapezium which are rotated or which have the shortest parallel side as the base.  Students will be able to solve ‘reverse’ area trapezium problems to identify the perpendicular height. Students will be able to convert between units of metric area including mm2, cm2, m2, km2  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Circles Identifying parts of circles
Finding the circumference of circles
Finding the area of circles
Students will be able to use and apply the key terminology of circles including radius, diameter and circumference.  They will recognise that the diameter if twice the length of the radius. Students will be able to identify parts of a circle including tangents, chords, arcs, sectors and segments.  Students will be able to find the circumference or area of a circle including when they either the radius or diameter.  Students will give their answer using the correct units.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Standard Form Using standard form with positive indices
Using standard form with negative indices
Students will be able to convert numbers from ordinary numbers to standard form (and vice versa) including questions in a worded context.  Students will also be able to correct numbers written in incorrect standard form to correct standard form. Students will also be able to write numbers to and from standard form which are less than 1.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Venn Diagrams Venn diagrams
Probabilities from Venn diagrams
Finding the highest common factor (HCF) and lowest common multiple (LCM) using prime factor decomposition
Students can construct a venn diagram and place the correct elements in the correct regions of the venn diagram.  They can then use this information to work out the frequency for each set as well as the frequency for elements not in a set or the total frequency. Students will be able to work with two or three way venn diagrams and use these venn diagrams to work on worded problems.  Students will be able to use the information about frequencies of each set (and the total frequency) to find probabilities of events. Students will be able to find the HCF and LCM of two numbers by using a Venn diagram and prime factor decomposition.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
3D Shapes Properties of 3D shapes
Nets of 3D shapes
Students will be able to identify and name cubes, cuboids and simple prisms as well as identify key properties such as number of faces, edges and vertices.  Students will be able to sketch nets of cubes, cuboids and prisms as well as identify the shapes from their respective nets.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 
Surface Area and Volume Finding the surface area from a net
Finding the surface area of cubes and cuboids
Finding the surface area of prisms
Students will be able to calculate the surface area of a cube, cuboid or simple prism from its net or, by sketching the shapes’ faces and calculating the area of each face. Students will be able to calculate the surface area of a regular polygon cross section prism.  Students will be able to calculate the volume of a cube or cuboid (even if dimensions are in different units). Students will be able to calculate the volume of simple prisms. Students will be able to convert between different units of volume (eg cm3 to m3) These units will be assessed using formative assessment in class. Weekly homework tasks will be set for students to complete online. The end of term assessment will be marked by the teacher, and recorded centrally, for monitoring progress. 

Year 9 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?

Fractions, decimals and percentages

Percentage change

Understand that a multiplicative relationship between two quantities can be expressed as a ratio or a fraction

Solve problems involving percentage change, including: percentage increase, decrease and original value problems and simple interest in financial mathematics.

Apply fundamentals of fractions, decimals and percentages to solve problems in the context of the wider world.
These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.
Theoretical and experimental probabilities and frequency tree. Students will learn to calculate the probability of combined events, mutually exclusive events, experimental probability and independent events. Students will learn to use frequency trees. Students will be able to solve a variety of complex probability problems including independent and dependent events. They will be able to use solving real life probability problems. These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.
Calculation with standard form

Students will learn writing large and small numbers in standard form by multiplying and dividing numbers in standard form and adding and subtracting numbers in standard form.

They will also learn how to do calculations using standard form on your calculator.

Students able to change ordinary numbers to standard form and vice versa.

Students able to write both small and large numbers in standard form and use them in calculation relating to real life problems.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.

Linear inequalities

Students will learn how to solve inequalities with the unknown on both sides and solve double inequalities. They will learn how to construct and solve inequalities.

Students able to solve inequalities

These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.

Factorising and solving quadratic equations

Students will learn how to factorise quadratic equations of the form  , factorise the difference of two squares and factorise to solve quadratic equations.

Students will also be able to calculate fluently and solve problems in context using all of the skills gained. Students will also be able to apply these algebraic techniques to solve worded and geometrical problems.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.

Spring Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Rounding Finding error intervals
Truncating decimals
Finding error intervals for truncated numbers
Students will progress to finding bounds for calculations These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 
Pythagoras Theorem Using and applying by Pythagoaras Theorem to 2D shapes Students will progress to using to applying Pythagoras to 3D shapes as well as other questions involving Right Angled Trigonometry These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 
Ratio and Proportion Solving direct proportion word problems
Solving inverse proportion word problems
Currency conversion
Students who are excelling at this topic will progress onto topics such as Combining ratios, Calculating with ratios and algebra, Changing ratios,Interpreting direct proportion equations, Interpreting inverse proportion equations  These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 
Linear Graphs Plotting straight line graphs
Finding equations of straight line graphs
Interpreting equations of straight line graphs
Students who are achieving excellence will explore topics such as Equations of parallel lines, Finding the equation of a straight line from its gradient and a point, Finding the equation of a straight line from two points on the line  These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 
Compound Measures Calculating with speed
Calculating with rates
Students who are achieving excellence will explore further topics related to Density, Mass and Volume as well as Pressure, Force and Area These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 
Motion Time Graphs Interpreting distance-time graphs
Calculating speed from distance-time graphs
Plotting distance-time graphs using speeds
Students who are achieving excellence will progress on to plotting velocity time graphs.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 

Summer Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?

Year 10 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?

All students will:

  • Solve linear equations
  • Expand single and double brackets
  • Factorise into single brackets and double brackets
  • Use formulae

Higher tier students will:

  • Solve quadratic equations
  • Complete the square
  • Use iterative formulae
Solve quadratic inequalities
Confidence in applying skills in independent practise leading to problem solving skills with links to other areas of maths with a focus on geometry.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.


All students will:

  • Single event probability
  • Experimental probability
  • Venn diagrams
  • Tree diagrams

Higher tier students will:

  • Mutually exclusive events
  • Conditional probability
Set notation
Students will be able to solve a variety of complex probability problems including independent and dependent events. They will be able to use solving real life probability problems.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.

Congruent and similarity

All students will:

  • Understand similarity
  • Perform and describe enlargements
  • Understand congruent shapes

Higher tier students will:

  • Prove congruence
Use similarity of length, area and volume
Students will be able to identify congruent shapes and explain their relationship.  They will also understand where similarity and congruence is used in real life.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.

Multiplicative reasoning

All students will:

  • Calculate percentages
  • Increase and decrease by a percentage
  • Calculate distant, speed and time
  • Calculate numerical direct and inverse proportion questions

Higher tier students will:

Algebraic direct and inverse proportion
Students will relate these skills to real life problem solving.  Those who have mastered the topic will be able to problem solve with links to geometric questions.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.

 Spring Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Multiplicative Reasoning All students will:
Calculate percentages
Increase and decrease by a percentage
Calculate distant, speed and time
Calculate numerical direct and inverse proportion questions
Students will relate these skills to real life problem solving.  Those who have mastered the topic will be able to problem solve with links to geometric questions.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 
Algebra All students will:
Plot the graph of quadratic equations
Recognise quadratic,cubic and reciprocal graphs
Solve simultaneous equations using equations and graphically
Students will progress the more complex problems such as velocity/time graphs.  They will also be able to solve quadratic simultaneous equations using substitution.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 
Statistics All students will:
Complete and interpret two way tables
Plot various graphs such as cumulative frequency, histograms and box plots
Identify misleading data from graphs
Identify the components of effective sampling
Students will be able to compare the distributions of cumulative frequency, histograms and box plots. Students who have mastered the topic will understand be able compare medians and interquartile ranges from box plots to cumulative frequency graphs and vice versa These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 

Summer Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?

Year 11 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?

Students will be preparing for their mock exams which will take place in October.  The content of each class will be focused on Algebra with an individualised approach to what each class needs to study based on their year 10 mock analysis.


Topics that are to be included:

  • Expanding and factorising
  • Graphing
  • Equations
  • Inequalities
  • Changing the subject
Confidence in applying skills in independent practise leading to problem solving skills with links to other areas of maths with a focus on geometry.

These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered. Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons. Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher. The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete.


Students will be assessed via a formal maths mock assessment which will consist of 1 non-calculator paper and 2 non-calculator papers.  Each paper will be 90mins long and will follow the syllabus of Edexcel Mathematics.

Spring Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Gap analysis from mock exams Students will be focusing on areas of weakness identified from their mock exams.  This will be different for each class.  Confidence in applying skills in independent practise leading to problem solving skills with links to other areas of maths with a focus on geometry.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 

Vectors, combining transformations.

Vectors, including parallel and collinear points, geometric problems and proof including circle theorems, 3D trigonometric problems, congruency proof

Students will show excellence in learning through confidence in the manipulation of column vectors and use of vector notation to solve geometric problems. A strong understanding and use of circle theorems will be shown through solving multi-step exam problems with clear and concise reasoning shown. Students will confidently use trigonometry in 3D and use this to solve real life problems.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 

Repeated percentage change, growth and decay, reverse percentages, inverse proportion.
Compound measures involving conversions. Problem solving ratio.

Ratio involving algebra, direct and inverse proportion - combined problems.
Compound measures.

Students will confidently manipulate percentage and worded proportion questions using a range of techniques including the use of reverse percentages and unitary proportion. Students will use their fluency of algebraic manipulation to solve and interpret direct and inverse proportion with confidence. Students will be familiar with formulae for speed, density and pressure and will manipulate these in order to solve problems, including changing units of length, area, volume and time.  These units will be assessed using formative assessment whilst being delivered.  Weekly homework on Sparx website, GCSE exam questions will be used within lessons.  Post knowledge check will be used at the end of unit assessment, this will be marked by the student and teacher.  The teacher will give feedback and set personalised task for the students to complete. 
In class mock exams

All areas of maths to be addressed via 3 maths papers to be completed in class over 6 lessons, 45mins a lesson. 

Confidence in applying skills in independent practise leading to problem solving skills with links to other areas of maths with a focus on geometry.  Students will be assessed via a formal maths mock assessment which will consist of 1 non-calculator paper and 2 non-calculator papers.  Each paper will be 90mins long and will follow the syllabus of Edexcel Mathematics

Summer Term

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?



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