South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Cornelius Vermuyden School

Health and Fitness


The Physical Education Department aims to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that challenges all students, regardless of their sporting ability. We believe that sport and physical exercise are for everyone, and our curriculum enables all our students to achieve in a supportive and rigorous environment. Our ethos is to encourage a positive mindset that fosters resilience, confidence, and self-belief in a way that supports their health and fitness. We strive to inspire students to develop a lifelong love of physical exercise and participation in sport. Our goal is to create learners who are determined and motivated both on the field and in the classroom, contributing to whole-school excellence.

Knowledge and Skills

Physical Education encourages the development of a wide range of transferable skills. Students of PE should be capable of doing all of the following:

  • Students are taught how to communicate effectively with one another, making them effective coaches and more effective team members when playing competitive sports.
  • Students will confidently use specialist physical education vocabulary throughout KS3 and KS4.
  • Students will develop skills in self-reflection, teamwork, leadership, and organization.
  • Students will learn how to select and apply appropriate tactics and strategies, applying them to the sport or situation they are in.
  • Students are taught how to officiate their own games and understand the rules governing these sports, with some even officiating fixtures for younger year groups.
  • Students will use specialist equipment and ICT when participating in fitness tests.
  • Students will understand the benefits that a healthy, active lifestyle can have on physical, mental, and social well-being.
  • Students will develop their analytical abilities, allowing them to identify strengths and areas for improvement in themselves and others, offering effective advice to improve performance.

Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 4

The NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness is aimed at 14-16 year olds studying their Key Stage 4 curriculum who are interested in health and fitness contexts such as exercise, lifestyles, and diet.

Career Opportunities in Health and Fitness

The study of Physical Education allows you to develop skills that could lead to pursuing many different career choices. Some examples of careers you could choose from include PE teaching, sports science, physiotherapy, sports coaching, sports lecturing, sports psychology, personal training, sports nutrition, and many more. Physical Education lessons teach students how to look after their well-being—physically, mentally, and socially. The good practices learned in looking after yourself will stay with you for the future, regardless of whether PE is specifically related to your chosen career.

Year 10 Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
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 Year 11 Curriculum Overview

What are we learning? What knowledge, understanding and skills will we gain? What will excellence look like? How will this be assessed?
Preparing and planning for health and fitness


Understand how to test and develop components of fitness


Understand how to apply health and fitness analyses and set goals


Understand the structure of a health and fitness programme and how to prepare safely

Students will learn-

To explain how activity impacts health and lifestyle

To be able to discuss the nutrients within a balanced diet

To explain recovery and impacts on a healthy lifestyle

To be able to describe/ carry out the fitness tests

Be able to evaluate normative data

To explain the different training methods

To be able to explain different heart rate training zones

Be able to explain the function of different reps/ sets

Create and administer a ParQ, Lifestyle questionnaire and Food Diary

To set goals using the SMART principle

Structure a health and fitness programme

Create an effective warm up and cool down

Create an effective workout programme, embedding everything you have learnt

Students will create a deep and thoughtful fitness programme for two given components of fitness; students will be able to justify their reasons and link content to their client’s improvement.
Students will be completing the synoptic project is split in 5 tasks which are weighted differently.
(AO1 / Task 1 - Explanation of fitness components - 10%)
(AO2 / Task 2 - Creation/Analysis of ParQ + Lifestyle Questionnaire - 15%)
(AO3 / Task 3 - Completion/Analysis of Fitness Tests 20%)
(AO4 / Task 4 - Creation/Analysis/Adaptation of a Fitness Programme 45%)
(AO5 / Task 5 - Self Evaluation 10%). All aspects of the synoptic project are internally marked before being submitted to NCFE.
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