Website Blog

Cornelius Vermuyden

August 2021

Whilst GCSE results day marks the end of one journey is signifies the exciting beginning of another. Today marks the day that many of you will be accepting your college placements, or apprenticeships ready for the next stage of your education.

This year summer examinations were cancelled again, and you were all awarded your GCSE results based on Teacher Assessed Grades. These grades were based on the evidence that you produced over the past two years, including your in-class assessments, mock assessments, internal assessments, and formal assessments in the sports hall, all supported by your coursework-based tasks. The volume and quality of the evidence you produced is something to be proud of.

Sitting exams is an experience that can be very stressful, however knowing that each of these different assessments would be providing evidence to support your Teacher Assessed Grade, has possibly been even more so. I hope you are now able to take a deep breath and relax as the waiting is over and the results are in. I hope that you and your families will be able to celebrate, as the grades that you have achieved will allow you to pursue the college/sixth form courses or other education or employments routes that you chose. I believe that these grades are truly deserved and reflect the hard work that you all put in.

On behalf of all the staff here at Cornelius Vermuyden School I would like to wish you all the very best for your futures. We are proud of your achievements and look forward to hearing about your future successes.

  • Katie Jane Cox – 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,8,8, said “I am very pleased with my results and these will now let me go on to study English Literature, French and History A levels at King John Sixth Form.”
  • Saffron Richards – 9,9,9,9,9,8,8,7,7 is looking forward to studying business, graphic design and computer science at Seevic with the aim of one day having a career in business. “I am really happy with my results, and they mean that I can now go and study the subjects I hoped I would be able to.”
  • Leanne Russell – 9,9,9,9,8,8,7,7 is pursuing a career in finance with her next step being at Seevic College.
  • Charlotte Balcombe – 9,9,8,8,8,8,7,7,7 said upon receiving her results “I am so happy! I am going to South Essex College to do an Art and Design course with the aim of going into Interior Design in the future”.
  • Courtney Beeching – 9,9,9,9,9,8,7,6, L2P is going to Seevic to study Geography, Biology and Chemistry. “I’m so pleased that I have done well in all my subjects.”
  • Louise Daly – 9, 8,8,8,8,8,7,7,7. “I’m going to King John next to study Geography. French and Business. I am relieved that I managed to achieve these grades and am looking forward to sixth form”.
  • Amy Dyos – 9,9,8,8,8,7,7,7,6 is very happy with her results. “My next stage is to study English Literature and Language, Biology and Geography at Seevic College”.
  • Tess Bowen – 8,8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7 said “I have worked really hard for these results and I am really happy with them”. Tess will be studying for French, Law and Film A Levels at King John Sixth Form next year.
  • Emily Perrin – 9,9,9,8,8,7,6,6,6 has plans to have a career in finance and will be attending a college out of the area.
  • Ryan Johnstone – 9, 8,8,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 “Next year I am going to King John to study Business, Economics and PE at A Level. My aim is to continue to do well so that I can work towards a degree apprenticeship within a large company in London”.
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