
House Champions
(Winning Captains)

Sports Champions
(Winning Sports Captains)

2014 - 2015 Athena
(Jamie Whitby and Katie Little)
(Jack Broadbent and Abi Rusz)
2015 - 2016 Darwin
(Mufaro Mutsatsa, Ellana Woodley and Sophie Gould)
(Tom Lowe and Emily Banks)
2016 - 2017 Darwin
(Macy French and Akshar Verkaria)
(Brandon Bennett and Olivia Yeo)
2017 - 2018 Darwin
(Alex Collins and Lucy House)
(Cameron Lynes and Zoe Johnstone)
2018 - 2019 Athena
(Rachel Carter and Mitchell Roddy)
(William Whitehair and MacieWindsor)
2019 - 2020 No Winners due to COVID No Winners due to COVID
2020 - 2021 No Winners due to COVID No Winners due to COVID
2021 - 2022 Einstein Darwin


Athena was the Greek goddess of Athens and the personification of wisdom – so our House symbol is the owl, the animal symbol of wisdom.

Athena House aims for excellence by making a positive impact around the school and within our local community. Every Athena student strives for success and aims to develop a lifelong love of learning, and Athena House develops and nurtures high achieving individuals with the academic and social skills to lead the school into the future.

Every student is treated as an individual but together, as a House, we aim to be a team that celebrates the achievements of all, both inside and outside the classroom. We believe that Athena House provides every student with the opportunity to become well-rounded individuals that actively contribute to and promote the school ethos.


Charles Darwin was an English natural historian and geologist from the 19th Century, best known for his work as a naturalist and for developing his famous theory of evolution by natural selection.

Darwin faced much opposition over the years, but he never gave up and continued to “Dare To Win”. This is the Darwin House motto and every student is expected to “Dare to Win” each and every day.

Students are encouraged to attend school in full and presentable uniform, compete in as many competitions as possible, and strive to achieve their very best in all that they do. Whether it is academic or extra-curricular, they are expected to “Dare to Win”.


Albert Einstein was a German-born American theoretical physicist and founder of the special and general theories of relativity. He is arguably the most famous scientist to have walked the earth and his passion for learning is something every member of Einstein House strives to emulate.

In particular, students of Einstein House are expected to adhere to Einstein’s guidance:

1. Follow your curiosity – every student is encouraged to pursue their passions and interests.
2. Perseverance is priceless – in Einstein House, no problem or lesson is too hard.
3. Focus on the present – make sure you are on task in lessons and organized.
4. The imagination is powerful – it can be the key that opens doors and solves problems.
5. Make mistakes – in the words of Einstein, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”. A mistake is your first step to progress and success.
Live in the moment – make sure you make the most of the opportunities at hand.
7. Create value – the goal in life is not just success but to be of value to others.
8. If you do everything the same every time, don’t expect a different result. Embrace change!
Knowledge comes from experience – we don’t expect you to know everything and Einstein House is here to give you experiences that will enhance your knowledge and personal development.
Learn the rules and play better – speaks for itself.


Hera was a powerful goddess, the wife of Zeus, and was worshipped as the queen of heaven and as a marriage goddess. As such, our students look out for each other and we consider Hera House a family. We are proud when Hera students try their very best and continue even when the going gets tough.

Hera House needs students that volunteer for, and enter into, every competition with a smile and good sportsmanship. The win is important, but participation and improving upon your previous best is the true and lasting goal.

At the end of the year, we will be able to say how proud we all are of our House because our students know their true colours are red and that they are Hera’s Heroes!


Zeus was the god of the sky and supreme ruler of the Greek Gods.

Every Zeus student strives to be a leader and that involves being respected and fair. Zeus students also aim to be mighty friends to all and, on occasion, counsellors.

Zeus students always aim to achieve their very best. If students can turn around and say they have tried their best, that is good news for Zeus House. We believe that Zeus House provides individuals with the opportunity to become confident and well-mannered young men and women. Zeus House also promotes independent learners and thinkers who put their learning first.

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