Spring 1 Timetable 2022-23


Autumn 2 Timetable 2022-23


Enrichment Guide Autumn 1 2022-23


We place a high level of importance on our enrichment curriculum at Cornelius Vermuyden. Our aim is for all students to succeed academically whilst developing into well-rounded, resilient and skilled individuals. This means encouraging our students to expand their interests and talents which go beyond the classroom. To this end, our students are incredibly lucky; we have a wealth of enrichment opportunities available to them, ranging from the extra-curricular programme to trips, house competitions or external awards such as Duke of Edinburgh. Careful planning of these opportunities, alongside the timing of the school day, allows our students to access the full enrichment programme.

We are keen to encourage and celebrate our students' efforts and achievements. Therefore, student participation is recorded on Go4Schools using our positive behaviour points system. These points feed into our praise awards, giving students a goal to work towards and instil an understanding that ongoing dedication will lead to success.

Staff at Cornelius Vermuyden agree that enrichment is an incredibly important part of education; it motivates our students to rise to new challenges and prepares them for future success in the areas they're passionate about. It is our aim to celebrate those who work hard to develop themselves and contribute to the wider values and ethos of the school. To allow students to access the full range of clubs, we work on a rotating model with an updated timetable each half term. Students in all year groups, 7-11, are encouraged to participate.

If you would like any further information regarding enrichment or the extra-curricular programme, please contact Mr Devitt.

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We place a strong emphasis on pupils participating in activities beyond their regular timetable. These activities develop pupils' social skills, as well as their particular talents and interests. Involvement in such activities also creates a more rounded individual that future employers and colleges look out for.

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