School Closure

Guidance in the Event of Bad Weather


There may be occasions when it is necessary to close the school in order to ensure the safety of both the students and staff. In most cases, the decision to close is made due to snow or ice making the school and the local area unsafe. However, it remains our intention to keep the school open whenever possible

In the event of extreme weather such as snow or flooding, the school will take advice from the appropriate authorities and any decision to close the school will be made as soon as possible. Should weather conditions deteriorate during the school day, the Headteacher will make a decision on whether the school should close or remain open. Should the decision be made to close the school, students will be allowed to go home and this will be announced on the school’s website. Facilities will be made available at school for those students who cannot return home until their parents/carers arrive to collect them.

A new online notification system has been developed by Essex County Council to keep parents/carers up to date with unplanned school closures and allow access to information about school closures quicker and more effectively using the internet. Essex radio stations will no longer broadcast a list of school closures but will direct parents/carers to the school closure pages on the Council’s website To check whether Cornelius Vermuyden School is closed during bad weather, please click here to visit the Council’s website.

The school’s website will also be updated as soon as a decision is made to close the school.

Please can you ensure that all contact details i.e. home, work and mobile telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are up to date to ensure that the school is able to contact you if necessary.

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