High Achieving Pupils at Cornelius Vermuyden

  • All our pupils are individuals in their own right and have tremendous strengths and qualities; this makes our school such a vibrant and exciting place to be.
  • A proportion of our student community achieved SATs results at the end of Key Stage 2 that place them in the top performing collection of pupils in the country (sometimes referred to as ‘most able’ or ‘High Achievers’; this is an achievement our school must recognise and appreciate.
  • Where we believe every student is an individual, we have a duty to ensure that those who join the school with this level of ability are motivated and inspired to maintain and exceed this level of performance.
  • Therefore, our school is committed to challenge every pupil in the school so that all pupils -regardless of their starting point at secondary school – can achieve their goals.
  • We believe in potential; we believe that every pupil deserves to be challenged, in order to meet or exceed their potential.
  • We are a member of NACE (National Association for Able Children)

What do we do?

  • Focus on providing high quality, challenging and inspiring lessons every day for our pupils.
  • Ensure we establish high expectations for all our pupils in relation to how they approach their school life. Inspire pupils to become independent and life long learners.
  • Know our pupils and their individual needs – celebrate success or provide support.
  • Providing a range of fantastic extra curricular and enrichment opportunities that help create rounded, culturally rich individuals.
  • Giving pupils aspirational opportunities through excellent further education providers.

We are very proud of our pupil success and look to celebrate their achievements wherever possible. Some of the highlights are: 

  • Some pupils achieved membership to Mensa, with some pupils achieving Mensa scores within the top 3% of the country, and were featured on the BBC news (one pupil scored 161 –better than Steven Hawking- see here)
  • Many students achieved top marks in the national ‘Brilliant Club’ Scholars Programme (see here)
  • More former pupils than ever are gaining entrance to university
  • We welcomed hundreds of pupils to our yearly master classes.

What we offer outside of the classroom:

  • Year 5 Master classes.
  • Brilliant Club Scholars Programme.
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activity days and trips.
  • AQA endorsed early qualifications.
  • Entry to UK Maths Challenge competitions.
  • Duke of Edinburgh awards.
  • Daily after school clubs for all subjects.
  • Trips and visits to universities, including university information events for pupils and parents.
  • Trips and visits around the world, including to NASA headquarters!
  • For more information on enrichment, see here.

What do parents say?

‘We are extremely happy that Cornelius Vermuyden recognised that our son was an able child. With their continued support, we are positive that he will achieve his dreams. Our son also thoroughly enjoys the ‘Brilliant Club’ which allows him a taste of university too. The support and information for us parents of gifted children, is also very helpful and informative.’

- Parent of a Year 9 pupil

‘It is great to see the school take such an interest in high achieving pupils & I know you have had many meetings with my child within his Bursary group & individually.’

- Parent of a Year 10 pupil

What do pupils say?

‘As a high ability student, I have been given many opportunities, such as the ‘Brilliant Club’, which has helped me to do well and feel supported even further.’

- Year 9 pupil

‘I have been given lots of great opportunities in and out of the classroom as a high achiever at this school. I am a much more confident public speaker and as a musician, I have been given lots of chances to perform in public. Thanks to the school’s extra curricular programme, I have been given lots of opportunities to try new experiences and learn new skills. All teachers are supportive and willing to help me as I prepare for my GCSE’s and I would definitely recommend this school to any pupils, but especially those who are high achievers.’

- Year 10 pupil

Put simply, we believe that by providing high quality learning opportunities in the classroom every day, our highest achieving pupils will thrive at this school. This can be seen in the impressive 2017 GCSE results and through pupil and parental feedback.

We also believe that through offering high quality enrichment and extra curricular activities, we are able to offer ways to excite and motivate pupils beyond the classroom.

Support for pupils and parents


Events, information and masterclasses in the local area can be found at www.excellenceeast.co.uk
For pupils and families: www.nagcbritain.org.uk
Ideas for support: www.gridclub.com
A range of publications: www.nace.co.uk
Extension opportunities: www.masterclasses.co.uk

Click here to view our high achieving pupil policy.

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We place a strong emphasis on pupils participating in activities beyond their regular timetable. These activities develop pupils' social skills, as well as their particular talents and interests. Involvement in such activities also creates a more rounded individual that future employers and colleges look out for.

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