At Cornelius Vermuyden we believe that parental involvement in the learning process is critical to ensure academic success.

Go 4 Schools helps to promote parental engagement with online access to “live” academic data and progress reports.

With parental access to GO 4 Schools, parents can access real-time assessment information and attendance as well as their child's timetable and progress reports. They have everything they need in one place and, crucially, what they see is the latest information available within the school – not just a progress report from 6 weeks ago

Parents can access progress reports online, either as web pages or as great-looking PDFs that they can print at home

Parents can check their children's timetable online, which helps increase children preparation for school.

At Cornelius Vermuyden School we highly recommend that parents contact Sally Beedie (School Office) to provide an email address to enable them to have a username and password to access this real-time resource.


We look forward to sharing academic success with you in the very near future.

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