The Curriculum at Cornelius Vermuyden School

Key Stage 3 – Years 7, 8 and 9

Students in Years 7-9 study the national curriculum, with elements of GCSE in Year 9. They are split into two equal ability bands, which enable classes to be set appropriately, meeting the needs of individual students.

The school runs a two-week timetable, consisting of 50 one-hour lessons. Subject allocations are as follows:

Years 7 and 8

English 6 hours
Maths 6 hours
Science 6 hours
History 4 hours
Geography 4 hours
French/Spanish 4 hours
Physical Education 6 hours
Design & Technology 2 hours
Art 2 hours
Music 2 hours
Drama 2 hours
ICT 2 hours
RHSE 2 hours
Reading 2 hours

Year 9

English 8 hours
Maths 8 hours
Science 8 hours
History 4 hours
Geography 4 hours
French/Spanish 4 hours
Physical Education 2 hours
Enrichment Carousel* 4 hours
Design & Technology 2 hours
Art 2 hours
RSHE 2 hours
Reading 2 hours

*The Enrichment Carousel is comprised of Classical Civilisation, Media, Performing Arts and Psychology. All students experience 18 hours of teaching in each of these subjects on a rotation through the academic year.

Year 9 students begin GCSE Literature in Year 9; they take the examination at the end of Year 10. They will also experience GCSE modules in Maths, Science and Languages as part of their transition from Key Stage 3 to 4.

Students choose their GCSE options in April, ready for study in September.

Key Stage 4 – Years 10 and 11

Year 10 and 11

Students begin examination courses at the start of Year 10 in all subjects but English Literature. All students will study the following subjects:

GCSE English 8 hours
GCSE English Literature Taught within the time allocation for English
GCSE Maths 8 hours
GCSE Science 8 hours
GCSE History or Geography* 6 hours
Core PE 2 hours

* Some students will study BTEC Travel & Tourism as an alternative to History or Geography.

In addition, students study three option subjects from the following:

Art (GCSE)
Child Development (Cambridge National)
Classical Civilisation (GCSE)
Design & Technology (GCSE)
Drama (GCSE)
French (GCSE)
Health & Fitness (Cambridge National)
Health & Social Care (Cambridge National)
Hospitality & catering (WJCE Level1/2)
Information Technology (BTEC)
Media (BTEC)
Media (GCSE))
Music (BTEC)
Photography (GCSE)
Physical Education (GCSE))
Psychology (GCSE)
Spanish (GCSE)

Students are placed on a pathway suitable for their ability and guided towards their option choices. All options have a teaching allocation of 6 hours.

"Please contact Mrs Ounzain (Deputy Headteacher), on with any curriculum queries"

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We place a strong emphasis on pupils participating in activities beyond their regular timetable. These activities develop pupils' social skills, as well as their particular talents and interests. Involvement in such activities also creates a more rounded individual that future employers and colleges look out for.

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