How the School measures & assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils (Sept 2022)

• The school is using the 'Compass evaluation tool' to assess ongoing progress in relation to the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.

• The school has a 'Careers Learning plan' in place to track progress in relation to this year's priorities and the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.

• The 'Careers Action Plans , (1 Year and 3 Year Plan) are reviewed each Year and link to specific Year Groups and their Career needs.

The following steps are in place to evaluate the effectiveness of its careers programme each year.

The evaluation cycle involves:

• Review of the objectives of the Careers programme (Tutor Careers Learning programme, Interviews and through Year Group activities) with a focus on outcomes for learners & assessing if the objectives have been met

• Focus on the delivery of the programme and evidence of impact on pupils in Tutor and through monitoring external providers and events

• Using feedback to adapting the programme to continuously improve it so it meets the objectives

The evaluation also involves looking at a range of evidence such as:

• attainment

• progress

• options pathways

• destinations data

• reduction in NEET figure

• feedback from students e.g. their understanding of different careers and pathways

Feedback from other stakeholders includes:

• Parents/carers

• Careers and Enterprise Coordinator

• Parent Focus Group

• Careers Champions linked to subject areas

• Teachers

• Governors

• Employers

An outline of the evaluation schedule is as follows:

Are we making the best use of the resources we have allocated for careers work? (Termly)

• The effectiveness of different guidance interventions, e.g. one-to one interviews, small group work, drop-in sessions

Are we optimising students' learning from the careers programme? (Oct/July)

• Evaluation of Activities up to the end of the Summer term 2023

• The learning outcomes achieved at the end of KS3 & KS4

How well are students succeeding in taking the next steps in their education, training or employment that are 'right for them'?

• The effectiveness of the Year 9 options process

• The destinations achieved at the end of KS4 e.g. Careers Advise and Guidance, Make Happen advice, Apprenticeship

The school's next review of the Careers information will be published in September 2023.

Careers Action Plan 2022-23


Where can subjects can take you


Careers Audit 2022-23


Careers Contact Details 2022-23


Careers Staff and Governors CPD Action Plan 2022-23


Cornelius Vermuyden school External Stakeholders 2022-23


Careers Newsletter


Careers Plan


Careers Strategy


Providers Access Policy 2022-23


Careers Newsletter 2


Careers Programme


Careers Newsletter 3


Careers Newsletter 4


Careers Newsletter 5


Careers Newsletter 6


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