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Keep up to date with all the latest news from Cornelius Vermuyden School.

Bethany Philips - Graphic Designer

Student News

Bethany Philips - Graphic Designer

As a school, we are very proud of Bethany Philips in Year 9, whose design was chosen by the panel to be the new Graphic branding for the Knife bins across Essex. Her design has now been added to 14 bins around the county.

Cornelius Vermuyden school is now a National Online Safety Certified School

Student News

Cornelius Vermuyden school is now a National Online Safety Certified School

Cornelius Vermuyden school recognised for its commitment
to helping pupils stay safe online
Cornelius Vermuyden school is now a
National Online Safety Certified School

Cornelius Vermuyden Careers Fair!

Student News

Cornelius Vermuyden Careers Fair!

Pupils & Parents of all year groups are invited to join us on 25th May 2022 between 3pm - 7pm for our Careers Fair!

Matilda Jr.

Student News

Matilda Jr.

For the first time in what seems years we were pleased to put on a school show- Matilda Jnr – The Musical. The cast was a lovely mix of all year groups allowing the Year 11’s to showcase their talent and also act as inspiration for the lower school. Katie Logan played Matilda with confidence and flair – her acting matched by the quality of her singing. 

ETC Easter 2022

Student News

ETC Easter 2022

Our latest ETC has now been released

Police Dog Handler Presentation

Student News

Police Dog Handler Presentation

On Wednesday 16thMarch, the school had a careers presentation from the British Transport Police's Dog Handler Unit. PC Warren and her colleague, PC Curry, came to the school with police dogs "Boots" and "Rocky".

Headteacher Drop In

Student News

Headteacher Drop In

Headteacher Drop In

A key priority for the school moving forward is to continue our efforts to improve communications with parents/carers, especially with those who are dissatisfied with certain aspects of the school’s work.


Student News

"Unacceptable" - Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence are, unfortunately, an issue for every school in every community in the UK.  In order to combat these issues, we need to understand and raise awareness of what they are, what creates theand what can be done to expose and respond to the harmful attitudes that perpetuate harassment and gender injustice.

National Careers Week

Student News

National Careers Week

National Careers Week

Matilda the Musical JR

Student News

Matilda the Musical JR

Matilda the Musical is based on the 1988 children*s novel by Roald Dahl. The musical*s narrative centres on Matilda, a precocious girl who loves to read and helps her teacher to reclaim her life. Our students have been working very hard to prepare this fantastic and well known show starring Katie Logan as Matilda. The show will be performed in the main hall on 24 and 25th March at 6:30pm. Tickets will go on sale on 7th March and will be *5 for adults and *3 for children. 



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