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Cornelius Vermuyden School takes part in the Reading World Cup Challenge?.

Student News

Cornelius Vermuyden School takes part in the Reading World Cup Challenge?.

Cornelius Vermuyden School takes part in the Reading World Cup Challenge?.

As part of the National Literacy Trust campaign, we are embracing reading alongside football fever! On Friday 18th November, we took part in the live World Cup Reading Challenge launch event. This digital event featured conversations with authors Alex Bellos and Ben Lyttleton hosted by Kenzi Benali during break one in the library.

More information about this event can be found with Mrs Wood, our school librarian or Miss Mayhew who is leading reading at Cornelius.

DfE Behaviour Hubs Graduation & Ministerial Visit

Student News

DfE Behaviour Hubs Graduation & Ministerial Visit

I am delighted to share that in the summer term, the school graudated from the programme and our case study and significant improvements in our behaviour culture were recongnised by the Department for Education. To support this, the school was priviliged to be visited by Minister Robin Walker (Minister of State for School Standards), Rebecca Harris MP, Laura Stagg (Director of Education for the Education Development Trust) and other DfE representatives to receive external validation of the work that we have done.

Press Release

Student News

Press Release

This year’s Year 11 cohort are the first to have sat examinations since 2019. Its sometimes easy to forget that this cohort of students entered their final year of school under COVID restrictions, and many will have felt uncertain as to whether examinations would have taken place at all. Sitting exams is an experience that can be very stressful, and our young people have not only navigated them with confidence and maturity but have done so following two years of disruptions to both their learning and their lives.

USP Visit

Student News

USP Visit

On 29th June, as part of our Careers program the Year 10s were given the opportunity to attend a day at USP College. The pupils were offered a range of activities to do so that they gained an understanding of the courses on offer at the college and the chance to meet with staff and pupils.

Year 11 Leavers Assembly

Student News

Year 11 Leavers Assembly

On June 29th, the school hosted the Year 11 Leavers assembly where staff, Year 11 pupils, and their families were invited to an assembly and a barbecue. The event was an emotional one for everyone involved with speeches from the Headteacher Mr. Hockey, Deputy Head Mrs. Halpin, and Ms. Marsden HOY11 and pupils.

Rotary Interact Afternoon Tea

Student News

Rotary Interact Afternoon Tea

The Rotary Interact Club held an Afternoon Tea on the 24th May to raise money for charity. The students decorated the main hall with Union Jack bunting, flags and a red, white and blue balloon arch and guests enjoyed sandwiches, scones, cakes and of course, lots of tea!

The students worked hard all afternoon and all the guests commented on what a wonderful time they had. The students also held a raffle, and the afternoon raised £425.00 for The Yellow Door. Many thanks to all those who supported the event and a huge well done to the Rotary Interact Club for their amazing achievement.

Careers Fair 2022

Student News

Careers Fair 2022

After many years of trying to hold a Careers Fair, which were interrupted by the COVID pandemic.

On May 25th the school held its first Careers Fair, and welcomed over 39 different companies, colleges and universities.

National Thank a Teacher Day

Student News

National Thank a Teacher Day

This year in May we celebrated ‘National Thank a Teacher Day’ in style!

With the focus being on gratitude we created a huge display thanking all our teachers in our lives, not just the ones we find in the classroom.

The SEND Parent Forum

Student News

The SEND Parent Forum

 The SEND parent forum is an opportunity to share ideas on key topics and policies. Key members of Senior staff will be there to listen and take on board the SEND parent perspective. 


Student News



The Cornelius Vermuyden School is delighted to have recently provided support for the London Bus Theatre Company and Essex Police.

Both establishments worked together to shoot a short film for Essex Police under The Safer
Streets fund on consent, an important issue within society today.



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