‘Your Shout’ Public Speaking Competition

Carol Skewes, Headteacher
December 12, 2017


Lilli Dickens from Canvey Junior School, scooped top prize in the Grand Final of the ‘Your Shout’ 2017 Public Speaking Competition, held at the Cornelius Vermuyden School on Thursday the 7th of December 2017.

Lilli’s speech on her chosen subject, ‘Being a big sister’, won her 1st prize and the ‘Orator’s Cup’.

Sponsored by the Cornelius Vermuyden School, the ‘Your Shout’ Public Speaking Competition involves eight Canvey primary schools. Students taking part all receive a full day of training in public speaking and effective communication. Following the training, students compete in their own schools for places at the Grand Final. The strongest from each school are put forward to a final of 18 students speaking out on subjects that are important to them.

Runner up was Mirava Vekaria from William Read Primary School with her subject ‘Bollywood’ and third was Niamh Taylor from Leigh Beck Junior School School with her title ‘Space’.

Judges included; Councillor Ray Howard MBE of Castle Point Council. Councillor Ray Howard said: “All 18 were very good. Every year they get better. To me they were all so close. Public Speaking is so important, I hope ‘Your Shout’ continues every year”

Rebecca Harris, Member of Parliament for Castle Point presented the prizes.

Rebecca Harris said: “Yet again, really high quality performances from really young children. Testament to the training and this project at Cornelius Vermuyden School. Such quality and confidence. Horrific to judge! A fantastic life skill we are giving youngsters. It must continue”

Winner Lilli Dickens said: “I feel really happy. Thanks to all the support from the crowd, they really helped. The training really helps you understand how to improve your public speaking, Thanks Cornelius Vermuyden School”

Sponsored by the Cornelius Vermuyden School and now in its ninth year, the ‘Your Shout’ Public Speaking Competition involves Canvey Island youngsters speaking out on subjects that are important to them. This year, ‘Your Shout’ competitors spoke before a total combined Canvey audience of more than 1,650 people.

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