Year 9 Brilliant Club Visit University of East Anglia

Cornelius Vermuyden
November 7, 2018

Last week our latest year 9 Brilliant Club visited the University of East Anglia for their launch trip and introduction to the latest Scholar’s Programme. In lovely autumn sunshine our pupils were taken around the university and saw student life in action. They had a study skills session as well as an information and guidance session about aspiring to study at a top class university. Importantly, they embarked on their first session with their PhD tutor, Eleanor, who is a leading expert in Genetics at University College London. For the next five weeks they will be studying a course on biology, specifically cardio-vascular issues.

The Brilliant Club organisers were once again most impressed with the motivation of our pupils. In a feedback survey one of our students commented that the visit had: “Increased my motivation and I now strive towards university.” It was also wonderful to meet up with ex-pupil Shannon Gonzalez who was in the Brilliant Club four years ago. Shannon was greatly impressed with UEA and made it her ambition to study there. She now studies Nursing and is testament to the values of hard work and resilience. We look forward to the coming weeks and progress of our latest group. Updates forthcoming.

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