Year 7 Lead Learner Programme

Mr J Lill
March 3, 2016

We are very pleased this academic year to welcome back Sky Sports mentor Hannah Beharry to deliver the lead learner programme to our new cohort of year 7’s.

Hannah Beharry has visited the school on two occasions, the 7th October 2015 and more recently on 20th January 2016. Hannah, a former England boxing champion, worked with a group of year 7 students that were selected by the PE department because of their dedication to sport and their ability to show leadership skills in lessons.

Students selected to be a part of this Leadership programme are:-
Fredi Lazarus, Alfie Whiteaker, Luke Bull, Jamie Blatcher, Jaden Crowhurst, Alby Bristow, Joseph Durrant, Bailey Matthews, Sam Phillips, Poppy Frost, Orla Saunders, Alyssa Duffield, Shannon Beeching, Lottie Harris, Jessica Mackey, Darcie Cleaver, Macie Windsor, Grace Banks, Eleanor Stevens.

During her first visit Hannah introduced herself to the group and the leadership programme. Students were then involved in a number of practical teamwork drills, fitness challenges and a boxing session. The main aim was to introduce the group to leadership, what is expected from them and what it takes to become a good leader. Each student set themselves targets to work towards, both in and out of school.

This was followed up during Hannah’s second visit on 20th of January 2016. This session was more theory based where students got to know more about Hannah and how she used sport to overcome difficulties in her life. They were introduced to key terms that they could use to help set goals to achieve their future dreams and ambitions.

The workshops were a thoroughly enjoyable and valuable experience for the students involved.

Mr J Lill
PE Dept

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