Year 11 Prom

August 17, 2015

June was incredibly emotional for the Cornelius family. Year 11’s sat their final exam on 18th June and then went directly into their leavers’ assembly. It included many a goodbye and thank you, along with some performances from staff that the students found hilarious! As the students left the school, I am sure many went straight to prepare for the prom that was the following evening;

The prom was an excellent way to say that final farewell. Our student girls looked breathtakingly beautiful and our boys were handsome young men. The staff made an effort too! It was a wonderful evening during which staff and students danced the night away until eventually venue staff were ushering us out of the door, neither staff nor students wanted it to end.

Year 11 have been a fantastic Year Group and we look forward to seeing the outcome of all their hard work on results day in August.

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