Year 11 Leavers Assembly & Prom

Mr Ellis
July 13, 2016

It’s that time of year where emotions are running high. Year 11 came to the end of their five years at Cornelius Vermuyden and celebrated with their leavers assembly and prom.

Many tears were shed and lots of hugs and goodbyes were shared. This years prom was at the Three Rivers and it was an excellent way for a final farewell. The students looked stunning and handsome and it was nice to see so many staff make an effort. It was a wonderful evening during which staff and students danced the night away until eventually the venue staff were ushering us out of the door, neither staff or students wanted it to end.

Year 11 have been a fantastic Year Group and we look forward to seeing the outcome of all their hard work on results day in August.

Mr Ellis
Head of Year 11

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