"Unacceptable" - Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

Nicola Bainbridge
March 25, 2022

"Unacceptable" - Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence


Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence are, unfortunately, an issue for every school in every community in the UK.  In order to combat these issues, we need to understand and raise awareness of what they are, what creates theand what can be done to expose and respond to the harmful attitudes that perpetuate harassment and gender injustice.


In addition to us raising awareness through the RSHE programme and assemblies in school we work with external agencies, and we have been lucky enough, in conjunction with Essex Youth Service, be able to secure a performance of “Unacceptable” this is a theatre project developed by AlterEgo Creative Solutions Ltd and is a performance aimed at raising awareness, kick starting conversations and promoting cultural change around Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence.


The project uses simple story telling and Narrative Theory techniques to cover:


·         What is Sexual Harassment?

·         What is Sexist Language?

·         What are Sexist Stereotypes, Attitude and Behaviours?

·         Where do these Stereotypes, Attitudes and Behaviours come from, where can they lead and what are their effects?

·         What is Consent?

·         How can you respond to and/or report these behaviours?

·         How do we create lasting change?


This performance was delivered to Year 10 students on 15th March and the feedback from the students was incredibly positive.


I have to say that as Designated Safeguard Lead at Cornelius Vermuyden School I am proud to be working with a generation of you people that are welcome to ensuring that this change happens.

Mrs N Bainbridge

Designated Safeguarding Lead

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