The inter house chess championship

Cornelius Vermuyden
December 14, 2018

Twenty-five intellectual gladiators entered the arena to fight for their house’s honour.

Over five gruelling days they tested their mettle against all comers: some games ending in victory, some in ignominious defeat whilst in others there was no separating the two contestants and a draw was called.

At the end there were four competitors who had out shone the rest and went forward to the knock out stages where the slightest error would signal their demise.

After day six, just two were left: Alexander Forster, victorious in all his games and Angelo Liberis, the master of the impasse.

The game started with Alex using the classic Roy Lopez opening to which Angelo countered with the Old Benoni defence and a quick double Fianchetto reminiscent of a blitzkrieg attack, demolishing Alex’s defence and leaving him wide open. Chess, they say, is won by the second to last person to make a mistake and Angelo made a fatal one, leaving his queen unguarded on the rim. Well, Alex did not wait for the invite and, in one swift move, turned the tables on Angelo, relentlessly taking piece after piece until Angelo’s cupboard was bare.

However, on the brink of victory Alex found out why Angelo is the master of the impasse; he had only gone and done it again! Stalemate - Angelo had forced the draw against all the odds.

The two titans sat back. Both could have won, both could have lost, nothing separated them; a worthy finale to the Inter House Chess competition.

Joint winners: Alexander Forster and Angelo Liberis.

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