The Brilliant Club Graduation Ceremony at St John’s College, University of Cambridge

Mr N Knowland - Assistant Subject Leader for English
February 10, 2017

What a simply beautiful setting for the latest Brilliant Club Graduation event! In the Arcadian grounds of St John’s College, our students, once again, had a taste of university life. However, unlike the Launch Event, this ceremony took place in the hallowed halls of the world famous college, founded in 1511. Our students walked in the shadows of ‘Johnstonians’ such as William Wilberforce, William Wordsworth and Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. We were informed that Stephen Hawking was working in a nearby office, and were slightly disappointed not to have seen him. No doubt pondering over a black hole somewhere.

Our students though, having pondered themselves now reflected on their great achievements in the Brilliant Club’s Scholar’s Programme, which was a huge success, with students scoring some of our best ever results. After workshops and a study skills session, students took a tour of the grounds. They saw the sanctity of study in the library; the splendour of St John’s Chapel; even the first building to be designed on a computer anywhere in the world, the only modern addition to St John’s. Sadly, it was too cold to take a punt down the river, and like everyone present, we trod carefully for fear of standing on the grass, a privilege reserved only for ‘fellows and their dogs’ until the end of Lent term.

Finally, the Graduation Ceremony itself took place in the college’s Old Divinity Hall. This ancient building has seen some of the greatest religious scholars in history pass through its corridors, translating original Greek Biblical texts into English. Today though, was the day for Cornelius Vermuyden students to savour their hard work and enjoy praise from Brilliant Club organisers and receive their certificates.

As the Brilliant Club moves into its sixth year, impact studies have found that 73% of students, who participated in the early years, selected a top British university as their first choice for degree study. Exposure to university life whilst at school is a superb way of motivating students and facilitating high aspirations. We are sure that our students are no exception, and that enrichment activities such as these promote a life-long love of learning, as well as the virtues of resilience, respect and responsibility.

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