Students Raise Money for Charity

Cornelius Vermuyden
October 11, 2018

Students Sam Jessen and Scarlett Read at the Cornelius Vermuyden School have made The Danny Green Fund and the Indie Rose Trust their primary targets for fund raising.

The Student Council at the school takes their fund raising seriously and when asked to select charities that they wanted to support the plucky teenagers, who are both members of the school’s Student Council, were determined that both these two Canvey Island charities should be at the top of the list. It was a unanimous “yes” from the rest of the students and that really started the ball rolling.

The Student Council is now working on their next fund raising ideas and a Nationwide Award that the students feel passionately about achieving for the school. This will be revealed once the Headteacher, Mrs Skewes, and her team have seen the students’ presentation.

The school is passionate about giving students a wide variety of learning opportunities and the Student Council is breaking new ground in the work that they are doing.

£272 was given to the Indie Rose Trust as part of the money raised from the non-uniform day that Student Council members Scarlett Read and Sam Jessen (pictured) lead on last half term.

More fund raising to come with a whole school house competition from the Student Council!

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