Science Fair 2018

Cornelius Vermuyden
March 21, 2018

Science fairs are when students present a scientific project in the form of a display board or model they have made. They have to be able to stand up to a tough series of questions from a panel of experts -our amazing team of science teachers.

Our second annual Science Fair was a huge success, and the quality of projects was astonishing. We had over ten teams take part and the quality of the projects produced was extremely high. The competitors had to answer tough questions on their projects, and discuss their findings in a clear, concise manner. We were overwhelmed with how much talent there was on display and how in depth their research was. However there can only be one winner.

In joint third place was Emma Keys and Eloise Duffield (Y7) with a project based on the cuteness factor. Their project looked at how humans are predisposed to find fluffy animals cute. They had the evidence to back up their hypothesis and the fact they brought along two rabbits really helped drive their point home. The other participant in third place was Angelo Liberis (Y7) with a fantastic project based on how different the Earth would be if the Earth had rings. His knowledge and ability to inform others was impressive, and he really left a mark on the science department.

In second place was Sam Forward (Y10) who researched how feasible the technology from the Star Wars film Phantom Menace would be in the future. He produced a 16 page dossier showing how some technologies are possible and others are less likely. He could articulate in detail about his research and it was clear a lot of effort had gone into his project.

Our overall winner was Oliver Payne (Y8) with an outstanding project in which he asked the question what foods grow mould the fastest, he kept a detailed account of his experiment day to day and even prepared his own microscope slides to bring along. The scientific research that he undertook was enormous and he won unanimously. It truly was a spectacular project.

Well done to all those who took part; we are already excited for next year’s competition.

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