Police Dog Handler Presentation

Jon Hibben
April 22, 2022

On Wednesday 16thMarch, the school had a careers presentation from the British Transport Police's Dog Handler Unit. PC Warren and her colleague, PC Curry, came to the school with police dogs "Boots" and "Rocky".

The presentation focused on the role of the British Transport Police and how the dogs support them in carrying out their duties. Pupils got to experience how dogs work passively and in a proactive way to support the police in a range of different situations.
The highlight of the presentation for the pupils was when Roxy, the Labrador, searched members of staff for a hidden object and every time found the object.
The presentation was the first of several Career based events that the school is going to be hosting over the next few months. Each event will allow our pupils to develop their understanding of the world of work, different careers, Labour Market information, experience meeting employers and local businesses, and learning what is required to work in different professions.

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