Pie in the Sky: Questioning in the Cornelius classroom

Claire Carter
November 10, 2017

On average a teacher will ask 2-3 million questions in their teaching career. So it will come as no surprise that questioning is an integral and extremely important part of any teacher’s daily routine. Its also very important that we are able to ask the right questions at the right time. What better way to get teachers practising their questioning techniques than to set them a task that gets them out of their comfort zone and into the kitchen.

The teaching staff had to make a dish of their choice making a shortcrust pastry from scratch and then adding ingredients that had been provided so that they could make something delicious for themselves or their family. The questions rolled on throughout the session; from divvying up the jobs; who was the most accomplished cook; to who was going to eat the results; which team was creating better things; whose final product was the tastiest?

Although this was a light-hearted approach to questioning there is a serious element to all this. Questioning is the cornerstone of children’s learning. Students being able to ask questions, feeling comfortable in classroom about doing so and answering them is fundamental to growth in their education. We at Cornelius are great at questioning; Ofsted made this observation in our last inspection. Yet we can always make progress and this training session was an avenue into making sure that the millions of questions that we ask in our career are the right ones for the right situation.

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