Open Day

Cornelius Vermuyden
October 1, 2018

We’re proud to announce a record number of visitors for Saturday’s Open School. Our exit poll showed that 99% of respondents thought the welcome from staff and students, the quality of facilities and activities, and the overall opinion of school were excellent. Comments from the majority of pupils and their parents were overwhelmingly positive and indicate that we are their number one choice for September 2019.

Our students, once again, proved to be the greatest ambassadors for our school. Over 200 of them came to support the various activities in subject areas and to act as tour guides. They did an amazing job, rated “outstanding” by the vast majority of parents in our exit poll.

The enthusiasm from prospective parents and students was palpable and it was great to capture the many positive comments as they left. The list below reflects the flavour of so many of them:

“I can’t wait to come here!”

“When can he start?”

“What a fantastic school!”

“Your students are amazing!”

“Wonderful facilities!”

“Everyone is so friendly.”

The event was highly successful and we look forward to meeting our visitors again, this time as members of our school community.

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