Number 1 in Britain and 2nd in the world!!

Mr. M. Sweeny - Head of Year 7
November 30, 2018

Mirava Verkaria in Year 7 is an extremely talented Bollywood dancer. She recently auditioned along with 200 other people from all over the world to earn a place to compete at the recent Bollywood dancing world championships, which were held in Chicago during November. Only half of those who auditioned were actually invited to the championships. This competition not only judged competitors on their dancing abilities, but also their signing, acting and instrumental skills too.

Out of the 100 people who secured a place in Chicago, Mirava made it all the way to the grand final where she was 1 of 16 finalists competing to become the World Champion. This included a number of adults as well as there were no designated age categories. Despite only being 11 years old, Mirava took on the whole world, and came home with the British title, as well as earning second place on the world stage! What an incredible achievement for such a young lady, and we are all extremely proud of her achievements here at Cornelius Vermuyden. The future looks very bright for Mirava, certainly a name to look out for!

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