Never mind Cannes we are off to Canvey

Carol Skewes - Headteacher
June 26, 2017

Dave Henderson from Atomic Creative and Ben Cyzer from MPC gave an inspirational, exciting and informative presentation to our students, They stretched our students thinking, wowed them with examples from advertising and digital technology and provided them with valuable insights into starting a career in the creative and cultural industries. We loved Dave and Ben’s energy, focus, and passion for creativity and education.

Quotes from students:

Lara Sims, Year 9 “It was really inspiring. I never thought about it beforehand and now I want to give it a go”.

Kiera Blake, Year 10 Media student “I really enjoyed the presentation as it inspired me to find a career in Media”.

Lauren Oakley, Year 10 Media student “I found it interesting as I have always wanted to go into Media as a career, so it was good to see the different jobs available”.

Mitchell Munday, Year 10 “Very intriguing and gave me a lot of knowledge about the advertising business and world. I want to work as a computer engineer in the Media/design world”.

In the top photograph from left

Ben Cyzer Director of MPC, Nathan Leonard, Mitchell Munday, Lucy Bristow, Lara Sims, Mitchell Foord and Dave Henderson. Creative Partner Atomic Creative.

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