International Netball Tour - Disneyland Paris

J Goodger
April 20, 2023

Over the Easter break we took 31 students on an International Netball tour to Disneyland Paris, despite the 18 hour wait at Dover the girls were in good sprits and had a fabulous trip.

??Miss Swain- After a nervous start to the competition our year 7/8 team settled well. The girls showed great determination and teamwork, throughout the day which paid off with some well deserved wins in the plate matches, allowing them to finish 5th in their plate tournament.

??Miss Goodger- Year 9's had a fantastic tournament. Only losing 2 matches all day took them to the shield competition. The girls showed great skills and teamwork to get them to the final. Mentally and physically prepared the girls won convincingly. Shield CHAMPIONS

??Mrs Sweeny-The senior girls did amazing finishing top of the group and fought a hard battle to get to the cup semi finals. Cornelius came against a very physical team but held their own, time ran out and resulted in a play off finishing 3rd in Europe. ?

?Proud of our netball girls is an understatement. Out of 52 teams Cornelius Vermuyden school 'Spirit of the game' winners. The award is given to a team who shows the true values of netball and sportsmanship. We were voted winners by the umpires and coaches.

Please watch our video from the trip by clicking this link

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