Mental Health Awareness Week 2018

Hannah Goodwin Head of Geography
May 16, 2018

Mental wellbeing describes your mental state – how you are feeling and how well you can cope with day-to-day life. To mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, year 7 explored some of the mental health issues that affect young people including stress, anxiety and depression.

It is incredibly important to talk about our mental health, being open about it can help to break down the stigma surrounding it. These brilliant poems illustrate the insight that our year 7 students already have about these complex and very important issues.


Cara Hughes 7R1

No matter where you go
No matter what you do
There will be a shadow next to you

Sometimes the shadow makes things tough to do
As it grows bigger on to you

It hisses and snaps
It shakes and it cries
And to your friends you cover it up with lies

You hide it and you shrink it
Yet it grows back tall
And with that it can’t be controlled at all

It can suddenly be hidden with a dash of sun
And the tiniest smile
But that doesn’t last a while

Eventually you accept its there
And it wont go away
Its there to stay

My Mental health

Olivia Crabb 7R1

Mourning inside, no one to talk to
Yelling out for help to stop the suffering but its only you

Many people around you, but no one to help
Even if I tried to talk it wouldn’t come out
Neglect is what I turned to shutting everyone and everything out
Then I finally realised that talking helped
Anxiety, depression, self harm, eating disorders whatever you may have
Learn more about it

Harming yourself physically and mentally doesn’t help
Everyone will understand what you are going through once you reach out
And support helps
Learning about yourself and what you are going through does too
Talk, reach out
Happiness matters

Mental health poem

Isobell Russell 7R1

I get up but you push me down
There’s no way to escape this cloud
You follow me where ever I go
Why won’t you leave me be?

When I escape I turn around and you are right there
Please leave me
And take those voices too
I’ll hide away until you go

Finally, you’re gone
I can live my life again
But suddenly I feel a pressure
Depression is back again

I can’t escape it
I can’t embrace it
The only thing to do is hide
Why won’t you leave my side?

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