Mental Health & Wellbeing in Schools

Ian Hockey - Headteacher
June 9, 2019

A recent survey from the National Education Union has highlighted the rise in the number of students with mental health difficulties. Therefore, schools remain on the front line in promoting and protecting children and young people's mental health and wellbeing.

With this in mind, I am delighted to share with you that eleven of our staff have just completed two-day Mental Health First Aid training. All designated safeguarding staff have been trained alongside each head of year, governor representatives and the school SENCO. The training focused on how to develop in-school support and provide early help to children and young people experiencing mental health difficulties.

Those trained in Mental Health First Aid are;

Mr Hockey

Mrs Halpin

Mrs Bainbridge

Mr Hibben

Mrs Beven

Mrs Hibben

Mr Sweeny

Mrs Marsden

Mr Chittock

Mr Clark

Mr Lill

We look forward to continuing to support your child.

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