Mensa Results

Mr T. Keenan
May 23, 2017

In May 2017, a group of students at Cornelius Vermuyden volunteered to sit the world famous and hugely challenging Mensa IQ test.

I am delighted to announce that all students who entered achieved IQ scores well above the national average IQ score of 100. To put into context, these are pupils aged between 11 and 14 sitting one of the worlds most prestigious and complex tests, where the majority of entrants are adults.

Pupils who took the test are as follows:

Michael Doran, Katie –Jane Cox, Alyssa Duffield, Ethan Lewis, Charlotte Hills, Ellie McNelis, Kelsey Miles, Dylan Keys, Megan Sutherland, Lucy House, Haydn Gilman, Megan Duckman, Scarlett Read, Harrison Nasnush, Charlotte Elliot - Ford, Louise Daly, Isabelle Rooke, Charlotte Balcombe, William Whitehair, Amelia Pharro, Samuel Jessen, Nathan Leonard, Tommy Mason, Hollie Barber-Harrison, Lucy Gough, Charley Aspinall, Alex Collins, Cori Smith, Lucy Dawkins, Sam Forward, Rachel Carter, Ty Walker, Alice Wilson, Alfie Hawkins, Tess Bowen, Emily Perrin, Harry Castellena.

When the scores are broken down further, there are some remarkable results and achievements that showcase the high level of ability currently attending the school:

Overall, 36% of pupils entered achieved an IQ that places them within the top 5% IQ band of the country.

50% of pupils entered achieved an IQ that places them within the top 10% IQ band of the country.

Furthermore, 16% achieved an IQ score of 148 or better, which places them within the top 2% of the country in terms of their IQ and gains them membership of the Mensa organisation.

One pupil in Year 8 –Michael Doran - achieved an IQ score of 161, which places him in the top 1% nationally in terms of IQ performance.

The average IQ score of the students who took the test was 130 – this is an IQ score that is equivalent to the top 10% IQ band of the country – 50% of students entered achieved above this score.

We are proud of all students who rose to the challenge and volunteered to take the test. Split into six stages, and completed under strict exam conditions, pupils had to solve a series of complex problems in timed conditions which does not measure knowledge but measures how pupils think. All pupils clearly have shown how well they think and react when faced with unseen challenges. They are a great credit to the school, and where the results of those who gained Mensa membership are rightly celebrated, it must be emphasised that all pupils have demonstrated that they are above the national average in terms of their current IQ. Given their age, this is a phenomenal achievement and one that displays how the school is nurturing its highest achieving pupils.

Well done to all.

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