Jack Petchey Foundation - Corneliis Vermuyden School

J Hibben
December 12, 2022

Jack Petchey Foundation

On Thursday 8th December, the school attended the Jack Petchey award ceremony at Waterside Farm, to celebrate our award winners. The following students were our winners for 2022 and were nominated by staff and students at the school

The Cornelius Vermuyden School:
Maximus Welham
George Close
Olivia Crabb
Katie Logan
Bethay Philips
Evie Waters
Charlie Knapp
Macey Smith
Charlie Edwards

About the Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme The Achievement Award Scheme is a reward and recognition initiative which enables schools and youth organisations to celebrate the achievements of their young peopie and receive additional funding.

The scheme runs in almost 2,000 initiatives across 1,600 organisations. Over 10,000 young people receive an Achievement Award for their efforts every year. So far this year we have approved almost £2.4m worth of funding to grass roots projects through this programme.

Words from Sir Jack Petchey We are proud of our support for young people across London and Essex, Presentation events such as this provide a real opportunity to highlight the positive contribution being made by young people in Schools, youth groups and communities across the area. In these days of obsessive media coverage of the negative this is no bad thing Achievement comes in many forms and this evening celebrates and acknowledges the range and diversity of those individual developments.

This celebration gave us all an opportunity to say thank you to the adult leaders, teachers, staff and volunteers who work so hard to ensure OUR young people remain continually nurtured and encouraged.

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