House Totals

Mr. M. Sweeny
March 14, 2018

The Cornelius Vermuyden House system meets the needs of the academic, the sporty, the confident, and the introverted student, and encourages them to compete in extra curricular activities where they can show off their geniuses or flaunt their talents. Already this year our students of all ages have battled it for their respective Houses in competitions involving Maths, English, History, Geography, Photography, Catering, ICT and a number of different sports events.

Every House has tasted victory at least once. Over the final 5 months of this academic year, the Houses will battle in Dance, MFL, Psychology, DT, Art, Music and Drama as well as sports events including table tennis, rounder’s, rugby 7’s, girls football and sports day. Students will also aim to achieve House points within their lessons by going above and beyond and by adhering the school ethos of ‘Respect, Resilience and Responsibility’. The House championship is now really heating up, and it’s not over until someone is crowned House Champions for 2018. Let the battle continue!

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