Year 9 Art and Design Trip

Cornelius Vermuyden
March 12, 2018

On Friday 9th March we ran our annual Year 9 trip to Leigh on Sea and Southend on Sea. Pupils have been working on a seaside project since September; experimenting with a variety of materials and responding to artists work such as Maggi Hambling, Mark Hearld and Georgia O'Keeffe. This trip is always an excellent opportunity for pupils to collect a range of primary sources to further the development of this project.

Pupils took photographs, exploring a sense of the beach, holidays, the arcades, britishness and relaxation. They recorded worn surfaces weathered by the wind and sea, as well as the lights of the arcades and the food and souvenirs on offer in the shops. Pupils will now produce their own personal responses, referring to sources collected on the day to help them.

Well done to all Year 9 pupils for your enthusiasm and outstanding behaviour during the trip.

Miss Cooper

Head of Design, Art and Technology

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