End of Term Assembly: Darren Jones

Cornelius Vermuyden
July 3, 2018

We were proud that Darren Jones an ex student of Cornelius Vermuyden presented achievement awards and played at our end of term assembly on Monday 2nd July 2018. Darren left the school in 2003 and then went on to Further Education. He always had a love of music and art excelling in both. He now teaches guitar to primary school children as well as performing locally in Southend and Leigh on Sea.

So who is Darren Jones?

Darren Jones & The World Music Band are a 6 piece Essex based band that blend Afro beats and world music inspired rhythms with catchy lyrics to deliver an electric performance and vibrant and colourful sound. Darren’s music is influenced by Goyte, Blondie, David Bowie, Roy Wood and Paul Simon to name but a few. Darren oozes charm, passion and energy.

He delighted our audience of students and staff. Darren also inspired our students so much that after the assembly some students said they want to go and see him live and to pursue a career in music.

Thank you Darren you are a star.

We are also equally proud of Bailey Ayre in year 10 who sang a number from Grease. Well done Bailey you are also a star.

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