Cornelius Vermuyden Enrichment Fair

L. Surtees
October 23, 2019

At Cornelius Vermuyden we pride ourselves on providing vibrant, varied and engaging opportunities for all pupils. Careful curriculum planning and the timing of our school day, allows the students of Cornelius to benefit from further opportunities in our enrichment programme. We hope students will seize the opportunity to engage in our fantastic programme that extends their learning beyond the classroom and promises to open them up to new thinking, new experiences and new opportunities. Enrichment is an incredibly important part of their education, which motivates them to rise to new challenges and prepares them for future success in the areas they're passionate about.

We are incredibly fortunate to benefit from a superb school building with phenomenal facilities available to all, and we encourage you to remain in school after the final bell and take advantage of all the amazing enrichment clubs and societies we have to offer. Every department in the school is excited to provide a wide range of challenging and fun extra curricular activities and we are certain there is something to suit everyone whatever their passion!!

Students in year groups seven and eight have had the opportunity to attend our enrichment fair, which provided the students with information about the extensive range of clubs available. They each received the enrichment brochure and were encouraged to sign up for at least one club. Of course the clubs are not exclusive to years seven and eight, they are open to all!!

If you would like any further information, please see Mr Surtees.

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