Cooking up a Career at Westminster

Mrs Whitehair - Food Technology
November 22, 2018

Ex student Daniel Gregory,17, returned earlier this month to share his new college experiences with our Year 9 catering students. Daniel worked extremely hard last year, achieving his GCSEs to follow his dream of becoming a chef and started his catering training at Westminster Catering College in early September of this year.

Two classes sat in awe of Daniel as he spoke of his newly established college life; his new professional kitchens, the college syllabus, how he has achieved distinctions in all assessments to date, his new found friends and social life and, most importantly, demonstrated his most impressive new knife and cooking skills.

Daniel’s inspirational speech and demonstrations have inspired some of our students into wanting to take the same path, giving them a future vision to focus on. We hope to plan a visit to Westminster Catering College in the new year.

We wish Daniel every success in his future career and look forward to further visits from him.

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