
Cornelius RM login
May 25, 2022


The Cornelius Vermuyden School is delighted to have recently provided support for the London Bus Theatre Company and Essex Police.

Both establishments worked together to shoot a short film for Essex Police under The Safer
Streets fund on consent, an important issue within society today.

Consent is permission for something to happen or an agreement to do something. Consent requires respect and communication. Consent is an important concept for children to learn about from an early age. It can lead to better relationships with family, friends, peers and eventually romantic partners. Consent includes knowing and respecting a person’s own boundaries as well as the boundaries of others. Understanding consent means that a person has the skills to leave a situation that doesn’t feel comfortable, and respects when other people want to do the same.

The school was proud to allow the London Bus Theatre Company to use its premises and to see some of our very own students performing in this important film.

The sharing of this film will provide an important focus of our RSE and PSHE teaching.

Social Media snippets of this film are below:

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