Children’s University Graduation Ceremony 2018

Mr I Hockey - Deputy Headteacher
November 21, 2018

Mrs Skewes funded the initial set up of the Canvey Children’s University scheme seven years ago. The aim of the scheme is to encourage all children aged 4 - 14 years on Canvey Island to try new experiences, develop new interests and acquire new skills through participation in imaginative and creative learning activities outside of the school day.

Twice each year over 2 days, over one hundred young people and their parents and families attend the Graduation Ceremony held at Cornelius Vermuyden School. The ceremonies this year took place on 13 and 14 November with myself opening the event and then Debbie Bennett, Manager of Essex and Suffolk Children’s University as the Master of Ceremony.

After the introduction and the grand entrance which involved graduates filing down the staircase to the music led by The Reverend Marion Walford, Debbie Bennett invited the graduates on stage to receive their awards. For many, this was their first experience of a graduation as they achieved their first 30 hours gaining a National Bronze Award but many of the students had achieved well over 100 hours with one student (Cameron Daykin-Woodberry - Year 8) actually completing in excess of 1900 hours, receiving the National Outstanding Commitment Award.

Two of the graduates delivered speeches to the audience explaining how they have achieved their hours and how Children’s University has been part of their lives, they also thanked their families for their support without which they would not be standing in front of the audience today.

The young people are honoured at the ceremony, wearing graduation gowns and hats as they receive their certificate awarded by the Children’s University board. The Reverend Marion Walford was guest speaker and assisted Debbie Bennett, Manager of Children’s University Essex and Suffolk and organiser of the event, to present the graduates with their certificates.

Thank you to the Cornelius Vermuyden School staff who helped and supported the event: -

and the many Cornelius Year 10 students who volunteered their time to help support the event ensuring that the evening was a resounding success.

A fantastic evening!

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