Celebrating our latest Brilliant Club success in Year 9 and welcoming our new Year 7 group

Cornelius Vermuyden
February 21, 2018

Last autumn twenty-three of our year 9 pupils (below) began their Brilliant Club Scholar’s Programme on a course about Conflict and Democracy in Burma. The topic was exceptionally challenging and it was with baited breath that we awaited their results at the end of January. They didn’t fail to deliver! Once again Cornelius Vermuyden pupils achieved an outstanding set of results, with two-thirds of them at upper-second class and above. In fact, over twenty-five percent were first-class passes. To put this in perspective, working at this standard is equivalent to a good pass at A level.

Many of the group worked hard to meet the deadline before Christmas, researching and writing up their 2,000 word assignments, complete with footnotes, referencing and bibliographies. Truly university skills. Some had their doubts, but with grit and resilience they succeeded. Unusually the graduation event was on a Saturday, so not all pupils could attend. That said, we were proudly represented at the University of East Anglia by some students and their families. Once again to the whole cohort, well done – you were exceptional.

As one group finishes, another begins, and this time it’s an opportunity for twelve of our year 7 pupils to begin the Scholar’s Programme (above). At the time of writing we don’t know what their topic will be, although they will find out on their launch visit at the University of East Anglia on Thursday 28th March. Here they will meet their PhD lecturer and begin the course, as well as being given a feel for university life. Having met the group, we know that they are full of enthusiasm and keen to begin. We have no doubt they will join the distinguished ranks of the past four years of Brilliant Club students at the Cornelius Vermuyden.

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