Bude 2017

Miss Keeble
June 22, 2017

It was an early start for 36 Students and 5 Members of staff as we departed from School at 5am and made our way down in covoy to ‘surfers paradise’…Bude in Cornwall. Most of the students used the 7 hour journey to catch up on some well needed sleep in preparation for the action packed weekend.

As soon as we arrived it was a quick turn around, wetsuits on and then off they went to their activities. Over the weekend students got the opportunity to surf, body board, coastal traverse and canoe. The centre is located on the coast with beautiful views of the beach and surrounding countryside. Without Wifi and very little signal it was lovely to see the students off their phones and enjoying the serenity of the relaxing environment we were in.

Of an evening students went to the beach to play football, some walked in the grounds while others sat around the large campfire and toasted marshmallows. Overall it was an excellent weekend, all students behaved exceptionally well and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to try some outdoor adventurous activities.

Miss Keeble
Head of PE

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