Brilliant Club's Visit to Homerton College, Cambridge

Nick Knowland
November 6, 2017

The latest Brilliant Club is now underway with our year 9 cohort studying an explosive topic entitled ‘War, Guns and Votes.’ In October they attended their Launch Event at Cambridge university’s Homerton College, whose alumni seem to include an unusual amount of actresses and actors such as Tamzin Merchant and Nick Hancock. However, our pupils’ PhD lecturer, Anna, seems to spend less time in the theatre and more time in theatres of war such as Bosnia Herzegovina, where she was involved in the peace process, and Burma, where she is a human rights researcher. At Homerton, the group toured the grounds and attended various sessions designed to assist study skills and inspire them to one day become part of a great university like Cambridge.

They are now well in to their course and seminars are taking place every week here at school until December when pupils will prepare a draft version of their own final 2,000-word assignment ready for a one to one feedback session. After redrafting during the Christmas holidays, they will submit and receive their university graded results in January. As usual, the Brilliant Club stretches pupils with a highly challenging topic which is also taught at a Key Stage higher, in other words at A level standard. We wish them success and look forward to the Graduation Ceremony early next year.

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