Department for Education Behaviour Hub Programme

Cornelius Vermuyden School
September 13, 2021

Department for Education Behaviour Hub Programme

As I am sure you are aware the school’s last inspection rated the school as ‘requires improvement’. A school that is judged as requires improvement (overall effectiveness grade 3) is a school that is not good but overall provides an acceptable standard of education.

For me, just being acceptable is not good enough. It is not good enough for the students within our care, our employees, or the community we serve. It is my firm view the school can do better and will do better.

Linked to behaviour, I am sure from my many updates that you have received you understand from April 2021, the school is part of the DfE £10 million Behaviour Hub programme, and we are working directly with the Department of Education officials and recommended partners to improve all behaviour rules, practises and culture. Many of these have been launched fully since our return on 2 September 2021.

The Department for Education (DfE) is funding a 3-year programme to improve pupil behaviour.

The programme pairs schools with exemplary behaviour practices, with partner schools who want and need to improve pupil behaviour.

The programme is flexible but our school can expect to get behaviour support with:

  • diagnosing specific areas of improvement
  • designing and developing new approaches to addressing poor behaviour
  • developing clear, sustainable behaviour cultures for all pupils

We firmly believe that good behaviour, routines and structures in school support all pupils’ engagement in education, and their mental health and wellbeing. 

We look forward to continuing to work with the DfE Behaviour Hub team to apply these principles to the individual context of the school over the next academic year.

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