DfE Behaviour Hubs Graduation & Ministerial Visit

Cornelius RM login
October 18, 2022

As you will be fully aware, the school strategically focused a lot of effort last academic year on improving behaviour and culture. This focus stemmed from recommendations in the 2019 published Ofsted report and our involvement in the Department for Education Behaviour Hubs progreamme (first cohort).


I am delighted to share that in the summer term, the school graudated from the programme and our case study and significant improvements in our behaviour culture were recongnised by the Department for Education. To support this, the school was priviliged to be visited by Minister Robin Walker (Minister of State for School Standards), Rebecca Harris MP, Laura Stagg (Director of Education for the Education Development Trust) and other DfE representatives to receive external validation of the work that we have done.


I am delighted that the Minister was able to visit some classes (notably Year 8 English and Year 10 Geography), meet with some staff and tour our ever-improving school. Additionally, it was great to see the Minister being interviewed live outside of our new library by Richard Smith (BBC reporter) and representatives from the Echo.


I would like to thank all parents/carers and staff for their on-going support as we look to build on this success and continue to improve the school further. Furtermore, it is no surprise that improvemenst to our behaviour culture have led to improved outcomes in the 2022 exmination outcomes.

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