Behaviour & Expectations

This pages aims to directly:

Provide a consistent approach to behaviour management.
Define what we consider to be unacceptable behaviour, including bullying.
Outline how students are expected to behave.
Outline our system of rewards and sanctions.

What does our aspirational behaviour culture look like at Cornelius Vermuyden School?

A community which displays the traits of compassion, kindness and connection & belonging. This is displayed in all relationships (staff/staff, student/staff and student/student).

The core values of “Respect, Resilience & Responsibility” are known and permeate throughout the school.

We are an organised school, with clearly defined boundaries. This removes any ambiguity regarding what is acceptable and what is not to all stakeholders. In turn, expectations and subsequent consequences are clearly known and understood.

The atmosphere is calm and purposeful and this is the expected normal. Some students experience chaotic and dramatic home lives, a positive culture nudges and alters students behaviours for the better. We teach that a non-confrontational, calm approach is the norm and that a school should offer a safe space – not compound stress.

In a school with exemplary behaviour culture children should feel safe; on the way to and from and in school, around school, on the MUGA, corridors, and toilets and ultimately in every lesson.

There is a high profile rewards systems where students that consistently behave and engage fully are championed and rewarded.

There are no mobile phones, chewing gum, uniform is exemplary, no litter, classrooms are orderly, and highly structured and lessons are purposeful.

Pupils are safe to learn, to want to learn and to be able to get on and learn this means teachers can teach. A school with excellent behaviour culture enables a focus in turn on great pedagogy and lesson content which enables great progress for all students.

Behaviour Strategy

Vision Values Mission




Student Code of Conduct


Home School Agreement


Behaviour for Learning

STARS Classroom Expectations


We... READ


Start of Lesson Routine


End of Lesson Routine


Image detailing the schools code of conduct

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