Disadvantaged Pupils

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24


Pupil Premium 3 Year Strategy 2023-26


Pupil Premium Grant

The sum of money allocated is a large figure which reflects the significant impact that it should be having on the performance and outcomes of the young people who are targeted by the funding.

  1. The pupil premium funding is allocated for the financial, rather than academic year
  2. It's allocated based on the numbers of eligible pupils recorded on your roll in the January census
  3. For academies and non-maintained special schools, they receive the money directly from the ESFA

Group Pupil Premium per pupil 2023-24
Pupils in year groups 7 to 11 recorded as 'ever 6 FSM' £1035
Looked after children (LAC) £2,530
Post-LAC £2,530
*Pupils with parents in the regular armed forces (see 'service premium') £335

The school will complete an internal review in April and September 2024.

Recovery Premium

In February 2021, the government announced a one-off recovery premium as part of its package of funding to support education recovery.
The recovery premium provides additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2021 to 2022 academic year and subsequent years. Building on the pupil premium, this funding is intended to help schools deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting disadvantaged pupils. Our approach is outlined in the Pupil Premium Strategy 23-24

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Uniform & pe kit

Wearing uniform is obligatory; all pupils must comply with the school's uniform code. Not only does the uniform and smartness of out pupils add to the school's image and prestige in the wider community, but it contributes to a business-like atmosphere conductive to achievement.



We place a strong emphasis on pupils participating in activities beyond their regular timetable. These activities develop pupils' social skills, as well as their particular talents and interests. Involvement in such activities also creates a more rounded individual that future employers and colleges look out for.

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