Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

RSE Policy 2023-2024


RSE Consultation Letter 20.07.23


PSHE Learning Journey 2023-2024


We have made updates to our curriculum for 2022-2023. These changes have been implemented for the new academic year following a consultation process which was completed between May 27th and June 30th, 2022.

1.The new curriculum is delivered weekly in a one-hour lesson (for all Year groups) from September 2022. This lesson is anchored for the whole school to prioritise the importance of subject matter and enables full support from the pastoral and senior leadership teams. Additionally, the intent of this change is to give PSHE/RSE a similar status to that of a core subject.

2.Improved resources and structured materials are in place for students and staff to improve the quality of education in PSHE

3.We have implemented a brand-new curriculum by adopting a thematic approach. Six spiral core themes will be taught for all year groups. The topics within the new curriculum can be viewed in the attached documents on this page.

4. The six Spiral Themes are:

  • Rights, Responsibilities and British Values
  • Celebrating Diversity and Equality
  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • Staying safe Online and Offline
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Life Beyond School

  • 5.The new curriculum and how it maps against the statutory RSE and Health topics can be seen in the PSHE Curriculum Overview document attached to this page.

    6.The new curriculum has been reviewed to have regard for the legal requirements around political impartiality, especially when we utilise external organisations and materials produced by them.

    7.The new curriculum gives due regard to its requirements under the Equality Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty when planning and teaching RSE to create an inclusive classroom and provision.

    8.The new curriculum makes explicitly clear the units and contents of RSE delivery for 2022-2023 and when they will be delivered

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